Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 1.djvu/1384

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INDEX Garibaldi, Oreg., works of improvement, Page adoption and authorization ------- _ 1173 Garrison Reservoir, N. Dak., limitation on use of funds for maintenance and operation------------------------ 1022 Gas and Oil. See Oil and Gas. Gathe, Theodore H., irrigation on certain holdings of, appropriation author- ized ----- _.-----------..-----___ 1169 Gathright Reservoir, Va., limitation on undertaking flood-protection project_- 1176 General Accounting Office: Appropriation for---------------_ 187, 1034 Building for, construction authorized; availability of funds------------ _ 238 Contract authorization--------_ --_ 1033 Household effects of Government em- ployees, shipment, settlement of claims in connection with; appro- priation authorized- -------- _ _ 231, 232 Petroleum products, amendments to contracts relating to prices, credit in accounts covering payments under--. ----- ----- ------ ------ - 671 General Bridge Act of 1946, Amendment, toll rates; sinking fund for amortiza- tion---------_ -- _--------------_ 267 Genesee River, N. Y., flood-protection project on Canaseraga Creek, author- ization -------..----------------- 1178 Geographic Names, Board on, appropri- ation for------------------------- 1113 Geography and History, Pan-American Institute of, appropriation for contri- bution _ ---. . ...... ____---------_ 309 Geologic Surveys, appropriation for ----- 1133 Geological Survey. See under Interior, Department of the. Geophysical Institute, Alaska, appropri- ation for Public Buildings Adminis- tration; conditions----------------_ 184 George-Barden Program, appropriation for development of vocational educa- tion in District of Columbia ------ . 540 George Washington Birthplace National Monument, appropriation for acquisi- tion of lands---------------------- 1141 George Washington Memorial Parkway, appropriation for----------------_ 1141 Georgia: Chickamauga and Chattanooga Nation- al Military Park, addition of lands- 646 Judicial districts, composition -------- 876 Macon, certain leases, jurisdiction of Court to hear claims------------- 566 German Nationals in United States, per- formance of consular functions by Department of State, authority; ap- propriation authorised ---- 106106,16 Germany: Page Occupation zones, administrative ar- rangements for conduct of opera- tions under Economic Cooperation Act of 1948------------ __


142 Voluntary relief contributions to, pay- ment by Economic Cooperation Administration of ocean freight charges-----


153 Rate----------- .- -- --- -- -- --- -- - 1056 Gettysburg Address, eighty-fifth anni- versary, issuance of commemorative stamp------------.------------- 1080 Gettysburg National Cemetery, enlarge- ment authorized------------------ 502 Appropriation authorized ------------ 503 Gettysburg National Military Park, Pa.: Appropriation for acquisition of lands- 1141 Property exchange-----------_

16 Gift Tax. See under Taxes. Gila Project, Ariz., appropriation for . -- 1129 Gila River Basin, flood-protection project, authorization------------ __- - __ -- _ 1178 Glacier National Park, Mont.: Appropriation for acquisition of lands- 1141 Conveyances within, authorized ------- 80 Glendo Project, Wyo., limitation on use of funds for--------------_ _ __ __ __ 1130 Glenn Dale Tuberculosis Sanatorium. See under District of Columbia. Godreau, Godreau and Compania (Cen- tral Caribe), adjustment payment by Commodity Credit Corporation authorized--------------- -- ---- --- 505 Gold Reserve Act of 1934, appropriation for carrying out provisions of ----- 413 Golden Nematode Act--------------- . 442 Appropriation for effecting provisions-- 1037 Gorgas Memorial Laboratory: Appropriation for---_ - - -_ - - -- - - - 308, 1046 Increase, authorization ------------ 1213 Government Contracts. See Contracts With United States. Government Corporation Control Act: Amendment, Federal Housing Adminis- tration, inclusion of; audit of finan- cial transactions--------------- _ 1283 Nonapplicability of termination pro- vision until after June 30, 1949- Panama Railroad Company- --- _ -- 1186 Virgin Islands Company----------_ 1193 Government Corporations. See also in- dividual titles. Administrative expenses, funds avail- able for, availability for designated purposes----------------------- 1194 AppropriationAct--.--------------- 1183 Appropriation for ------------------ 531 Auditing and aoounting of funds----- 1194 LXII