Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 1.djvu/1387

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IND Government Departments and Agencies- Page Continued. Witnesses, influencing or injuring, pen- alty--------------------------- 770 Government Employees. See also Gov- ernment Departments and Agencies. Alaska, meteorological observations, compensation for taking and trans- mitting ---------------------- _ 328 Annuities. See Civil Service Retire- ment Act, Amendments. Arctic stations, food and shelter for Government employees assigned to, Weather Bureau appropriations available ------------------- -- 286 Bribery, etc. , penalties ----------- -- 691 Certificates or writings, official, false statements in, penalty --------- _ 753 Claims against the Government, prose- cution of, etc., penalty -- _---- 697, 698 Collecting or disbursing officer, trading in public property by, penalty---- 790 Compensation in matters affecting Gov- ernment, receipt of, penalty------ 697 Confidential information, disclosure, penalty---------------------- - 791 Congress, right of petition, etc ----- _. 356 Contracts in excess of specific appro- priation, penalty---------------- 703 Contracts with Members of Congress, making or entering into, penalty-_ 702 Exemptions ---------------------_ 703 Convict labor contracts, penalty ------ 703 Crop information, disclosure of or spec- ulation thereon, penalty --------- 790 Crop insurance, speculation in stocks or commodities affecting ---------- 7790 Elections, Federal offices, interference by administrative employees, pen- alty ----------.------------ 720, 722 Embezzlement by, penalties---------- 728 Extortion by, penalty --------------- 740 False entries and reports of moneys or securities, penalty -------------- 795 False personation of, penalty --------- 742 Federal Bureau of Investigation, pro- hibition on use of funds for pay- ment of civil-service employees---- 318 Indian contracts, penalty------------ 703 Lobbying with appropriated moneys, penalty-----------_ ---- ---- ----- 792 Meteorological observations, compensa- tion for taking and transmitting_ 286 , 328 Pay increases ------------------ --- 1267 Physically-handicapped, nondiscrimina- tion against in appointments in classified civil service------------ 351 Political activities, pernicious. See sep- arate title. IEX ILX Government Employees-Continued. Pag Postal Service. See separate title. Protection of certain officers and em- ployees------------------------- 756 Records, etc., concealment, removal, or mutilation, penalty ----------- 795 Resistance, etc., to certain officers or employees while in perform- ance of their official duties, penalty- ------------------ 688, 756 Retirement- Civil Service Retirement Act, Amend- ments. See separatetitle. Panama Canal construction, civilian officials and employees, removal of certain restrictions on an- nuities ---------------------- 497 Salaries- Differential, employees outside con- tinental United States or in Alaska -------------------.. 194 Funds available; conditions----- - 1205 Payment from other than Govern- ment sources, penalty --------- 793 Searches without warrant, penalty --- 803 Seismographs, tending of, payment of extra compensation by Coast and Geodetic Survey --------------- 325 Selective Service Act of 1948, reem- ployment rights of inductees---- 615, 616 Senate disapproval of nomination, re- striction on payment to person after-------------.--.----.---- 194 Suspension without pay; payment of salary on reinstatement ---------- 354 Travel provisions- Household effects, shipment, vali- dation of certain Government payments for-------------- -- 231 Appropriation for settlement of claims, authorized ---------- 232 Living quarters allowances, appro- priations available ------------- 194 Per diem allowances in lieu of sub- sistence expenses-------------- 193 Veterans- Disabled, transfer of name to differ- ent list of eligibles in certain cases----------------------- 1068 Restoration to former positions--- - 192 Veterans' Preference Act of 1944- Appeals under, compliance by Federal agencies with recom- mendation of Civil Service Commission.---------.----- 575 Suspension without pay; payment of salary on reinstatement; applicability of provisions ---- 355 White House Office, details to--------- 67V