Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 1.djvu/1407

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International Obligations-Continued. "Prisoners of War" Convention, con- ference on revision, appropriation available for delegates from Post Office Department ------- __ .. ___ Sixth Congress of Postal Union of Americas and Spain, appropriation available for expenses of delegates_ Universal Postal Union, appropriation available for expense of delegates to designated commissions-....--. World Health Organization. See sepa- rate title. International Office of Public Health, ap- propriation for contribution - _ _ _ _- - International Pacific Salmon Fisheries Commission, appropriation for______ International Penal and Penitentiary Commission, appropriation for con- tribution ---


_______________ International Radiotelegraphic Conven- tion, appropriation for expenses in performing duties under - -_________ International Refugee Organization: Appropriation for contribution ------ _ Manpower utilization arrangements with, encouragement by Economic Cooperation Administrator______ International Scientific Radio Union, ap- propriation for_ - ... .. _________ . International Short-Wave Radio Stations, indemnification agreements -------- International Statistical Bureau at The Hague, appropriation for contribu- tion-- __________________________ International Telecommunications Union, Bureau of, Radio Section, appropri- ation for contribution ............. Interned Persons: Belligerent nationals, escape from in- ternment, arrest- -------------- Escape, aid in, penalty-------------- Maintenance, funds for Department of the Army--------------------- War Claims Act of 1948, detention benefits under--___ _-__ ------- -- Interparliamentary Union for Promotion of International Arbitration, increase in annual appropriation for participa- tion, authorization- -------------- Appropriation for ....------------.- Interstate Commerce, cases of public im- portance brought by United States, appeals to Supreme Court---------- Interstate Commerce Act: Amendments- Carriers- Agreements between, approval by Interstate Commerce Com- mission---....--.........--- 68706--49--P. -- 87 INDEX LXXV Page Interstate Commerce Act-Continued. Pag Amendments-Continued. Carriers-Continued. Securities, obligations, etc. , alter- 419 ation or modification, pro- cedure -

. . ----. --- ----

163 Foreign port or ports, transportation 419 of passengers between points in United States by way of ----- _ 386 Property loss or damage, expenses of 419 defending actions at law, re- course by initial or delivering carrier in certain cases________ -295 Time inspectors, free passes------_ 602 309 Locomotive inspection, appropriation for------------------------- 188 312 Violations, apparent, appropriation for investigations ----------- _______ 187 Interstate Commerce Commission: 309 Appropriation for ------------------- 187 Explosives, etc., transportation by com- mon carriers, formulation of regu- 180 lations ------------------------ 739 General expenses, appropriation avail- 1058 able for payment of claims under Federal Tort Claims Act--------- 1034 Government transportation requests, 153 use by Joint Board members and cooperating State commissioners__ 187 1046 Loans to railroads by Reconstruction Finance Corporation, approval re- 312 quirement----_ _ --- .. ... _ ------- 263 Orders- Enforcement and review------...... 969 309 Jurisdiction of district courts over.-- 931 Venue of ------------------------- 936 Securities, obligations, etc., of carriers, 808 alteration or modification, proce- dure -------------------------- 163 Bankruptcy Act, section 77 proceed- 818 ings, reexamination and recon- 735 sideration of plan in certain cases ------------------------ 167 669 Interstate Commission on the Potomac River Basin, appropriation for con- 1242 tribution--------------.--.----.-. 188 Interstate Compacts: Arkansas River compact, funds for pay- ment of U. S. representative in 19 negotiation; retired Army officer as 308 U. S. representative -----------. 1134 Consent of Congress to- Boundary compact, Michigan, Min- 989 nesota, and Wisconsin --------- 1152 Idaho and Wyoming, division of waters of Snake River -------. 294 Water pollution, negotiation of com- pacts for control of ----------- 115 Interstate Highways, National System of, 472 study directed -.--------- ------- 1106