Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 1.djvu/1409

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IND Judge Advocate General's Corps. See Page under Army, Department of the. Judges, United States Courts. See under United States Courts. Judgments, appropriation for payment__ 64, 229, 1036, 1048 Judicial Branch of the Government. See United States Courts. Judiciary and Judicial Procedure: Administrative Office of United States Courts ------------------------ 913 Appeals, courts of- Amount in controversy, proof of --- 963 Appeal to, time for------------- 963 Jurisdiction --------- _ ------- -- - - 929 Officers and employees ----------. 919 Organization of ------------------ 870 Remitting of cases from Supreme Court ----------------------- 963 Scope of review ---------------- _ 963 Claims, Court of- Jurisdiction --------------------- _ 940 Officers and employees ----------- _ 923 Organization of------------- _ ---_- 898 Procedure------------------------ 975 Tort claims cases, time for appeal__ 964 Codification, revision, and enactment into law of Title 28, United States Code, "Judicial Code and Judi- ciary".------------------------- 869 Construction as continuation of exist- ing law --------------------- _ 985 Court officers and employees --------- 913 Courts, organization of- Appeals, courts of----------------- 870 Claims, Court of------------------ 898 Customs and Patent Appeals, Court of---------------------.---. 899 Customs Court-------------------- 899 District courts ------------------. 872 Supreme Court-------------------- 869 Customs and Patent Appeals, Court of- Jurisdiction ---------------------- 942 Officers and employees------------- 924 Organization of--------- --------- 899 Procedure ----------------------- 979 Customs Court- Jurisdiction----------------------- 943 Officers and employees ---------- 925 Organization of ------------------ 899 Declaratory judgments--------------- 964 Definitions ----- ------------------- 907 District courts- Jurisdiction -------------------- 930 Officers and employees------------- 920 Organization of------------------- 872 Removal of cases from State courts - 937 Venue-------------------------- 935 EX LXXXVII Judiciary and Judicial Procedure-Con. Pag* Effective date of provisions -- _-- .-- _ 992 Fines, penalties and forfeitures-- ------ 974 General provisions- Court officers and employees ------ 925 Courts and judges --.--------- ___ _ 907 Procedure ---------------------- 943 Habeas corpus proceedings -----.--- _ 964 Injunctions ------------.. _____---- _ 968 Interpleader process and procedure -- 970 Interstate Commerce Commission or- ders; enforcement and review ---- 969 Judges- Assignment to other courts ------- _ 900 Conferences and councils ------ ._ --- 902 Resignation and retirement ------ _ 903 Retired, assignment to active duty-- 901 Jurisdiction and venue- Appeals, courts of ------- _____-- - _ 929 Claims, Court of------------------ 940 Customs and PatentAppeals, Court of 942 Customs Court ------------------- 943 District courts -- _--- ----- ----- 930, 935 Supreme Court ----------------- 927 Legislative construction provision_____ 991 Particular proceedings -----__ __ ----- . 964 Procedure of courts- Claims, Court of-------------- _ --_ 975 Customs and Patent Appeals, Court of -------------------------- 979 Customs Court-------------------- 980 Evidence- Depositions ---..--------------- 949 Documentary --.------------.. . 945 Witnesses----------------.----- 950 Executions and judicial sales-------- 958 Fees and costs -----------. ..---- - 954 General provisions -------------.-- 943 Judgments -------------.--------- 957 Juries; trial by jury --- _ _--

951 Moneys paid into court, deposit and withdrawal--------------- . 960 Process--- ---------------------. 945 Review, miscellaneous provisions --- 961 Rules of courts ----------------- - 961 Tort claims procedure ------------- 982 Repeals ------ ---. -- -.----- ----- 992 Reports and digests, distribution of-- 904 Separability provision- -------------- 991 Supreme Court- Appeal or certiorari, time for ------- 961 Appeals from State courts ---------- 962 Criminal case on appeal from State court, priority --------------- 962 Jurisdiction -----------------.--- 927 Officers and employees ------------ 918 Organization of ---------------- 869 Quorum, absence of, procedure ----- 963 Scope of review------------------- 963