Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 1.djvu/1417

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INDEX Pa& Market News Service, appropriation for__ 5 Marketing Act of 1946, Agricultural, ap- propriation for effecting provisions of- 5( Marketing Administration. See Produc- tion and Marketing Administration under Agriculture, Department of. Marketing Agreement Act of 1937, Agri- cultural: Agricultural Adjustment Act, amend- ment of reenacted provisions--- 124i 1257, 125 Amendment, continuance of programs- 125 Marketing Quotas. See under Agricul- tural Act of 1948; Agricultural Ad- justment Acts. Marketing Services, Department of Agri- culture, appropriation for------- - 52 Marshall Plan. See Foreign Assistance Act of 1948. Marshals, United States. See under United States Courts. Martin, Hon. Joseph W., Jr., Speaker of the House of Representatives, appro- priation for portrait of ------------- 214 Maryland: Baltimore- Bridge or tunnel authorized across/ under Patapsco River------ _ -_ 463 Candler Building, alterations, etc. , to, appropriation for-_-------- 44( Parcel-post station, appropriation for acquisition of property -------- 1033 Chesapeake and Ohio Canal, Md., park- way survey by National Park Serv- ice and Public Roads Administra- tion, expenditure authorized ----- 351 Judicial district ------------------ 882 Rivers and harbors- Projects for flood control, navigation, etc., adoption and authorization_ 1172 Works of improvement, preliminary examinations and surveys------ 1174 Sandy Point, bridge or tunnel author- ized across/under Chesapeake Bay at or near ------------------ -- 463 University of Maryland, conveyance for use of --------------------- -- 200 Massachusetts: Boston, acquisition of land by Federal Works Agency, appropriation for- 1033 Judicial district --------------------- 882 Marine school, State, reimbursement for expenses -------------- --- 1199 Mystic River Bridge Authority, con- veyance by Department of the Navy authorized---------------- 471 Parker River National Wildlife Refuge, reduction in area; disposition of in- terests; protection of clam resources 293 XCV !7 Massachusetts-Continued. Rivers and harbors, adoption and au- 09 thorization of projects for flood control, navigation, etc----------- 1172 Matagorda County Soil Conservation Dis- trict, Tex., flood control, preliminary examination and survey, authoriza- tion------. --

___ 1181 McGuire, Ambrose H., irrigation on cer- 8, tain holdings of, appropriation au- 8 thorized --------------------- - 1169 8 Meat Inspection: Appropriation for--- ----------- __ _ - 515 Payment of cost by United States --- 344 Medal of Honor, award to unknown Amer- ican serviceman of World War II-.. 71 7 Medals, Decorations, Etc.: Military medals or decorations, un- authorized wearing, sale, etc., penalty---------------- _ - - - -- - - - 732 Veterans' organizations, badge or medal of, unauthorized manufacture, sale, etc. , penalty -------------------- 732 i Mediation and Conciliation Service, Fed- eral. See Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service. Mediation Board, National. See National Mediation Board. Medical Supplies, transfer for foreign aid by Economic Cooperation Adminis- trator---------------------------- 153 Medicine and Surgery, Bureau of. See under Navy, Department of the. Medora, N. Dak., monument to Theodore Roosevelt, repeal of provision for.... 354 Memorial Day, 1948, designation as day of prayer for permanent peace, proo- lamation authorized---------------- 275 Menominee Agency, Wis., appropriation for support ----------.-------- -1121 Menominee Indians, Wis. , appropriation for industrial assistance------------ 1123 Mental Health, National Institute of, appropriation for; contract author- ity -------------------------. 402 Mental Health Act, National, restriction on use of funds for purposes of------- _ 400 Merchant Marine, navigation and vessel- inspection laws administered by Coast Guard, authority of Commandant to waive compliance with; time exten- sion--------_ _ --- ----- _---- ---_ 38 Merchant Marine Academy: Chapel and library, construction of, ao- ceptance of private contributions; appropriation authorized -------- 172 Contingencies, appropriation for------- 1198 Merchant Marine Act, 1936, appropriation for effecting provisions ------------ 1197