Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 1.djvu/1425

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INDEX National Parks-Continued. Pag Lands, acquisition of, appropriation for- 114: Mammoth Cave National Park, Ky., appropriation authorized for ac- quisition of lands, use for entrance road ---------- __._....___.._ . 116i Saratoga National Historical Park, N. Y ., establishment ----------- _ 57( Theodore Roosevelt National Memorial Park, N. Dak.- Addition of lands---_ ---_ ------_ _ -- 384 Amendment of Act establishing__ 352, 1101 Yellowstone, school facilities for de- pendents of employees, provision for ---------- _-- ---------- ---_ 338 National Parks, Historic Sites, Buildings, and Monuments, Advisory Board on, recommendations with respect to cer- tain transfers of surplus real property- 350 National Railroad Adjustment Board: Appropriation for ------ __ ---_ ------_ 405 Referees, compensation and expenses, increase in amount available for___ 217 National Safety Council, Inc. , appropria- tion for District of Columbia affilia- tion with ------------------------ 550 National School Lunch Act: Agriculture, Secretary of, authority under ---------------- _ ------- _ 1254 Appropriation for carrying out provi- sions of----------------------- 64, 527 Printing and binding, transfer of funds for---------------------------- 511 National Security Act of 1947, nonappli- cability of Selective Service Act of 1948 to provisions of-------------- 627 National Security Council, appropriation for --------.-------------------. 648 National Security Resources Board: Appropriation for------------- ----- 648 Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1948, co- operation under----------------- 1106 Procurement of materials for use of armed forces or Atomic Energy Committee, advice-------------- 625 National Service Life Insurance Act of 1940: Amendments- Gratuitous insurance benefits for eli- gible persons, time extension for application ------------------ 59 Level premium term insurance, re- newal for second five-year period- 1109 Appropriation for payments under --- 1201 National System of Interstate Highways, study directed---------------- -- 1106 National Training School for Boys, District of Columbia, appropriation for------ 549 CIII National Training School for Girls, Dis- Pag 1 trict of Columbia: Appropriation for -------.------- _ 548 Superintendent, salary rate ---------. 549 White girls, restriction on use of funds 5 for--------------------...---- - 549 National War College, appropriation for_ 650 0 National Zoological Park, appropriation for----------------------_ .


557 Nationality Act of 1940: Amendments- Petition for naturalization, time limit for filing -------------------- 1026 Veterans of U. S . armed forces, eli- gibility for naturalization ------- 282 Puerto Rico, expatriation of naturalized nationals by residence abroad, nonapplicability of provision------ 1015 Naturalization. See Citizenship and Nat- uralization. Navajo and Hopi Indians, emergency work program, appropriation for.--- 220 Navajo and Hopi Service, appropriation for------------------------- ---- 1117 Naval Academy: Appropriation for------------------- 586 Board of Visitors, provision for, repeal of prior provisions----------- 1094, 1095 Canada, instruction of persons from- __ 279 Construction of facilities, authorized- _- 459 Enlisted men of Navy or Marine Corps, limitation on assignment -------- 586 Filipinos, instruction of ------- _ ------ 583 Mustering-out payments, certain per- sons discharged for physical dis- ability .---- ------ .. ... .------ - 650 Selective Service Act of 1948, exemp- tion of personnel from registration under ------------------------ 609 Transfer of funds for --------------- 224 Naval Aviation Cadet Act of 1942, appro- priation for expenses under--------- 586 Naval Home, Philadelphia, Pa., funds for. 224, 586 Naval Medical Center, National, Bethesda, Md., construction of chapel, author- ized ------ _-------------.------ - 459 Naval Observatory, appropriation for-. .-- 585 Naval Personnel, Bureau of. See under Navy, Department of the. Naval Petroleum Reserves, operation, protection, etc., appropriation for_ 584, 585 Naval Research, Office of. See under Navy, Department of the. Naval Reserve. See under Navy, Depart- ment of the. Naval Reserve Act of 1938, Amendment, women in the Naval Reserve------- 368