Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 1.djvu/1437

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TVNTfrr Point Judith, R. I, harbor of refuge, adoption and authorization ________ Point Loma, San Diego, Calif., naval electronics laboratory, construction of facilities, authorized -------_ --- _ _ _ _ Appropriation for ------- -_ ___ ____ _ Point Mugu, Calif., naval air missile test center, construction of facilities, authorized ---------- ____________ Appropriation for ------------- ______ Political Activities, Pernicious: Agriculture, Department of, restriction on payment of persons violating or attempting to violate certain pro- visions of law -...----...---..-- Appropriation for prevention of.------ Nonapplicability of provisions to certain persons appointed under Selective Service Act of 1948 --.---- ___-. Penal provisions relating to.--------. Poison, Mont., sale of lots in Michel addi- tion, authorized -- _______......... Port Aransas-Corpus Christi Waterway, Tex., works of improvement, adop- tion and authorization ....... _____ Port Chicago, Calif., explosions, method of payment of certain unsettled damage claims ------ ________-___--______ Port Hueneme, Calif., Naval Construction Battalion Center, acquisition of land, etc., authorized ----------------- Appropriation for ------------------ Port Newark Army Base, N. J ., provision of additional time to city of Newark for payment of certain installments on ----- _-- ___- ._- -- __ ------- ---- Port Wing Harbor, Wis., works of im- provement, adoption and authoriza- tion ...........


Porter, Imported, tax on; rate----------- Portland, Oreg.: Housing, emergency, funds available--- Indian Affairs, Bureau of, appropriation for expenses of district office------ Post-office site- Acquisition authorized; preparation of plans, specifications, etc ---- Appropriation for---------------- Porto Rico. See Puerto Rico. Portsmouth, Va., Norfolk naval shipyard, acquisition of land, authorized ----- Appropriation for------------------ Post Office Department. See also Postal Service. Accident prevention, appropriations available----------------------- Accounts, Bureau of, appropriation for_ Adjusted losses and contingencies, ap- propriation for----------------- Pag 117: 46' 104; 461 104. 521 171 623 71i 31 117E 389 46C 1043 171 1173 1171 356 1116 86 1033 460 1043 417 417 417 J.L .KA CXV Post Office Department-Continued. Page Air Parcel-Post Service, provision for; rates- ------------------------- 1097 Airports, mails consigned to or from, transportation by Government- owned motor vehicle------_ _

_ 576 Appropriation Act _.--------------._ 416 Supplemental, 1949 - .------------ _ 564 Budget and Administrative Planning, Office of, appropriation for------- 416 Buildings. See Public buildings, this title. Chemical, etc., investigations, appro- priation for --------------------- 418 Chief Inspector, Office of, appropriation for ......... ---- ----- ---. . .. - . 417 Commemorative stamps, issuance- Alexandria, Va., two-hundredth anni- versary of founding ----------- 1075 American Turners Society, one-hun- dredth anniversary ------------ 354 Five Civilized Tribes, Okla., centen- nial celebration of Trail of Tears_ 211 Fort Kearney, Nebr., on e-hundredth anniversary ----------------- _ 343 Lincoln's Gettysburg Address-----. 1080 Low, Juliette, founder and organizer of Girl Scouting in U. S ----- - _ 1239 Michael, Moina, originator of Fland- ers Field memorial poppy idea 1091 Minnesota, anniversary of creation of Territory---------.-----... 87 New York City, golden anniversary of consolidation of boroughs comprising----------------... 343 Palomar Mountain Observatory, dedi- cation ----------------------. 567 Poultry industry, one-hundredth an- niversary.--


__. _ 354 Rough Riders of Spanish-American War, fiftieth anniversary of or- ganization ------------- _-- --_ 1091 Volunteer firemen ---------------- 343 White, William Allen-------------. 455 Contingent expenses, appropriation for_ 225 , 417, 1045 Damage claims, appropriation for- _- 417, 564, 1045 Deficiency in postal revenuesi funds available for-------------------- 422 Estimates, examination of------------ 417 Field service appropriations, restriction on use for Department ---------- 417 Field service employees, service in mili- tary forces and on war transfer, inclusion as allowable service in salary reclassification------------ 1165 Appropriations authorized for pay- ments prior to authorization- -- 1165