Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 1.djvu/1451

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Roosevelt, Theodore, National Memorial Pae Park, N. Dak.: Addition of lands ------------------- 384 Amendment of Act establishing..-- 352 ,1102 Roosevelt, Utah, school facilities, appro- Rlvers ana niarDors--ontinued. Pag Flood control-Continued. Small projects not specifically au- thorized, allotment of funds for_- 118 Surveys, appropriations for------- 181, 21 Works for ----------------- _ 1172, 117 Flood Control Act of 1937, amendment, supplementing of preliminary ex- aminations; additional report --- Flood Control Act of 1941, amendment, rescue work, etc., allotment of funds------------------------- 118: Flood Control Act of 1948------------ 117. Allotments of funds, authority of Secretary of the Army_- - -- - -- _ 118: Appropriations authorized --------- 118: Small projects not specifically au- thorized, allotment of funds for- 118: Foster Creek Dam, redesignation as Chief Joseph Dam -- ----------- 1174 Laws relating to improvement, compila- tion and publication-- ---------- 1174 Neches and Angelina Rivers, Tex., modification of project--- ------ 117' Nome, Alaska, construction of shore protective works----- ---------- 45J Permanent International Commission of Congresses of Navigation. See separatetitle. Preliminary examinations and surveys, authorization----------- 1174, 117' River and Harbor Act of 1948-------- 117, Riverside Mine, Hyder, Alaska, trans- portation of supplies and products by vessels of Canadian registry ------- 1061 Riverton Project, Wyo. , appropriation for- 1127, 1128 Roaches Run, Arlington County, Va., certain land in, conveyance to Rich- mond, Fredericksburg and Potomac Railroad Company---------------- Roads. See Highways; Public Roads Ad- ministration under Federal Works Agency. Robbery, penalties----------------- Robsion, John M., appropriation for pay- ment to widow of ---

Rock Hall Harbor, Md. , works of im- provement, adoption and authoriza- tion ---------------------------- Rock River, Ill., f lood-protection project, authorization -------------------- Rocky Mountain National Park, appro- priation for acquisition of lands- - - Rodenticide Act. See Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act. Rodents, appropriation for control of-- Roosevelt, Theodore, Monument to, Me- dora, N. Dak., repeal of provision for- --------------------------- 501 796 60 1172 1177 1141 1144 354 priation authorized ...---....---- Appropriation for------ ------.-- Rosiclare, IH., flood-protection project, authorization -----.... ---.... ---- Roswell, N. Mex.: Army Airfield, construction of military installations, authorized -------- Clerk of U. S . District Court, restric- tion on use of funds for maintaining office of --. -- _ ------ - _ ----- New Mexico Military Institute, transfer of horses by Department of the Army, authority------ ---- Rough Riders of Spanish-American War, fiftieth anniversary of organization, issuance of commemorative stamp- - Rubber: Research on, appropriation for Depart- ment of Agriculture for------. Synthetic rubber scrap, free importa- tion- -- -...................... Rubber Act of 1948----....------...... Administration ----....------...... Administrative Procedure Act, exemp- tion of functions from operation-.. Appropriation authorization; use of funds.------- --.. -... ... ... .. Appropriation for effecting designated provisions- --- ..---- ----.. ... .. Controls, allocation, specification, and inventory, authority of President-. Definitions ------------.......................-.. Disposal of Government-owned rubber- producing facilities; report- --.- Domestic rubber-producing capacity... Effective date .............. --. ... . Exculpatory clause - ---.. ... . .-- ... . Government operation of rubber-pro- ducing facilities--------......... Importation and exportation ------ Information, reports, subpenas, wit- nesses, and testimony - --. ---- Jurisdiction of U. S . courts. ---. .... Patent pooling and use of technical infor- mation -.--.--.


Penalties for violations.-----..------ Research and development--.---.---. Separability. --------....---------.. Stand-by facilities-. -.. ---.. --..... lulo, Nebr. , bridge across Missouri River at, extension of maturity date of cer- tain bridge revenue bonds--------. Rumas, Josephine LaVatta, erroneous collection, appropriation for refund, authorized ------------------ 170 1120 1177 377 331 1101 1091 513 34 101 105 108 109 1039 102 108 105 103 109 107 103 102 106 107 106 107 103 108 104 497 1170 INDEX CXXIX '" `