Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 1.djvu/1475

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INDEX Veterans. See also Veterans Administra- tion. Admissions tax, exemption of hospital- ized servicemen and veterans when admitted free --------. _______.- Aliens, eligibility for naturalization -_ _ Badge or medal of veterans' organiza- tions, unauthorized manufacture, sale, etc., penalty-- -----.------ Boxer Rebellion, pensions for certain widows of veterans----------..-- Claims, withholding of discharge papers by agent, penalty -------------- Condemned or obsolete war material, loan or gift to veterans associations- Deceased, headstones or markers for unmarked graves --------------- Disabled- Automobiles for, transfer of funds-_ - Disability compensation --- __-___- Government employment, transfer of name to different list of eligibles in certain cases -------------- National cemeteries, selection as superintendents of---- ------- State or Territorial homes for support, temporary increase in Federal aid to --------------------- Discharge papers, withholding by claim agent, penalty ------- _-_----- Displaced persons, qualification as, preference to veterans of allied forces ------------------------- District court criers or bailiffs, prefer- ence in appointment ------------ District of Columbia, services to, ap- propriation for---------------- Educational facilities, administrative expenses, increase in limitation--_ Facilities property, purchase or receipt, penal provisions ---------------- Fiancees or fiances, alien, facilitation of admission into United States, time extension of provisions- -.---.. --. Government employees. See Veterans under Government Employees. Homestead entries, credit under Act of May 26, 1934; lands eliminated from national forests ----------- Housing. See separatetitle. Insurance. See National Service Life Insurance Act of 1940. Leave, payments to surviving brothers and sisters, and nieces and nephews of deceased servicemen and former servicemen _ ----- ------ ------ - Middle Rio Grande project, N. Mex., acquisition of lands, preference--- Page 504 282 732 645 699 37 1215 1035 1219 1068 84 237 699 1012 923 545 186 754 84 305 506 1180 CLIII Veterans-Continued. Page Mothers, widowed, divorced, etc., vet- erans' preference benefits in certain cases- -- ----- _ --- -- __ -_ - 3, 1233 Mustering-Out Payment Act of 1944, time extension for application for benefits by discharged veterans_ - 241 National Service Life Insurance Act of 1940. See separate title. On-the-job training, raising of ceilings on wages and allowances in certain cases --------------- _ --_ -----. 208 Pensions. See under Veterans Ad- ministration. Philippine Insurrection, widows of vet- erans, certain, pensions for------- 645 Postal Service employees, ten point preference eligibles, retention of seniority rights in designated trans- fers ------------------------.-. 574 Regulations- Number 1 (a)- Part I- Paragraph I (c), amendment---. 581 Paragraph IV, amendment--.- 1213 Part II- Paragraph I (c), amendment---. 1213 Paragraph I (d), addition ------ 582 Paragraph II, amendment ------ 1219 Paragraph III, amendment----- 1213 Part VII, paragraph 3, amend- ment--------------------- 20 , 209 Part VIII, paragraph 6, amend- ment --------------------- 19, 208 Part IX, addition--------------- 500 Number 6 (a), Paragralph IX, addi- tion--------------..---------- 160 Selective Service Act of 1948, exemp- tion from registration under ----- 609 Soil Conservation and Domestic Allot- ment Act, payments to certain inducted farmers ---------------- 526 Spanish-American War, widows of vet- erans, certain, pensions for------- 645 Subsistence allowances, increase in certain ----------------------- 19, 208 Veterans Administration. See also Vet- erans. Administration, medical, hospital. and domiciliary services, appropriation for ------------------------ 218,1200 Transfer of funds from _ --------- - 1035 Administrative expenditures, certain, basic authority----------------- 160 Appropriation for------ 218, 1035, 1200 , 1291 Arlington County, Va., selection of site and construction of hospital, au- thority----------------------- - 1201