Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 1.djvu/1477

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INDEX Vice President of the United States-Con. Compensation, appropriation for ..... Election, provisions respecting____ -- - - Office of, appropriation for ---- ______ Resignation or refusal of office- . . . -- - - - Salary- -------------- _

___ ___ Vacancy in office; officers eligible to act- Village Delivery Service, appropriation for..-----------------. _.------ . Vint Hill Farms Station, Va., construction of military installations, authorized-- Virgin Islands: Agricultural station, appropriation for- District Court- Applicability of general provisions of "Judiciary and Judicial Procedure" - - Decisions, circuit in which reviewable- District attorney, appointment by court to fill vacancy --------- Judge, salary---------------_----- Jurisdiction ------- ____________ --- Jurors, fees, expenses, and costs, ex- clusion from provisions -------- District judges, retirement or resigna- tion, salary-----------_ -- - - - -- - _ Federal Airport Act of 1946, extension to------....................... Government in, appropriation for___ -- Public Health Service Act, extension of certain provisions to- __ _ _ __ _ -- .. . Public works, appropriation for-----.. Roads leading to areas administered by National Park Service, convey- ance, authorized --------------- St. Croix, St. John, and St. Thomas, appro- priation to defray deficit of munici- pal governments; purchases through Bureau of Federal Supply, authority- Topographic surveys, appropriation for- Uniform, U. S . armed forces, applica- bility of restrictions and regula- tions--...------...------.. --- - Water Pollution Control Act, applica- bility --------- -- -- --------- Virgin Islands Company: Availability of funds; appropriation for- Continuance as U. S. agency-.------.. Government Corporation Control Act, nonapplicability of termination pro- vision for designated period------ Virginia: Alexandria, two-hundredth anniversary of founding, issuance of commemo- rative stamp.-- ___.-----..----- Arlington County, selection of site and construction of hospital by Vet- erans Administration, authority_-- Colonial National Historical Park- Appropriation for acquisition of lands- Easement for highway bridge------- Page 423 672 423 678 678 677 418 377 1148 908 930 991 991 827 1016 904 173 1148 531 186 334 1148 1133 172 1161 1193 1170 1193 1075 1201 1141 232 Virginia-Continued. Page Colonial National Historical Park-Con. Sewage-disposal system; plans and estimates for; appropriation au- thorized--------- _-- ---- ---_ 70 Flood control, navigation, etc. - Preliminary examinations and surveys, authorization---------------- _ 1181 Projects, adoption and authorization- 1172 Limitation on certain ----------- 1176 Fort Story, disposal of surplus sand-- .. 352 Judicial districts, composition-------- _ 893 Pungo, conveyance by Department of the Navy authorized _ -- -- -- -- _ 471 Rivers and harbors, works of improve- ment, preliminary examinations and surveys----------------------_ 1175 Virginia Military Institute, Lexington, Va., transfer of horses by Department of the Army, authority -------------- 1101 Virus Serum Toxin Act, appropriation for enforcement ---- ------ _---__


515 Visas, fraud, misuse, etc., penalties---- _ _ 770 Vitalization and Retirement Equalization Act of 1948, Army and Air Force.._ _ 1081 Vocational Education, appropriation for-- 62, 398, 540 Vocational Education Act of 1946, appro- priation for carrying out provisions of ----------------------------- 398 Vocational Rehabilitation, allowance of travel expenses for Veterans Ad- ministration beneficiaries and attend- ants ---------------------------- 471 Vocational Rehabilitation, Office of. See under Federal Security Agency. Vocational Rehabilitation Act, appropria- tion for payments to States under--_ 216 Voluntary Agreements, funds for Depart- ment of Commerce for effecting pro- visions respecting------------- . 219, 1038 Voluntary Foreign Aid, Advisory Com- mittee on: Ocean transportation charges on sup- plies from organizations registered with, payment by- Army, Department of. ------- -----_ 1058 Economic Cooperation Administra- tion ------.- ------- ----- --- 154 Volunteer Firemen, issuance of commem- orative stamp in honor of----------- 343 W W. C . Austin Project, Okl., appropria- tion for construction--- -_-_ _ --_ _ - Wadsworth, Nev., restoration of certain lands to- ___

__ -......-- Wage and Hour Division. See under Labor, Department of. 1127 491 CLV . ,