Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 1.djvu/15

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LIST OF PUBLIC LAWS Public Law 602 ___ Lower Yellowstone Irrigation Districts Numbered 1 and 2. AN ACT Authorizing modifications in the repayment contracts with the Lower Yellowstone Irrigation District Numbered 1 and the Lower Yellowstone Irrigation District Numbered 2___ 603 _-- Cass County, Minn. , fish propagation. AN ACT To authorize the State of Minnesota to condemn lands owned by the United States in the county of Cass, State of Minnesota, for fish propagation, and for other purposes -_-- ..--- -_-- --- _ 604 ___ Yellowstone National Park, school facilities. AN ACT To pro- vide adequate school facilities within Yellowstone National Park, and for other purposes ------- _____----_---------__ 605 __- Armory Board, D. C. AN ACT To establish a District of Columbia Armory Board, and for other purposes -- ________ 606 ___ Second Decontrol Act of 1947, amendment. AN ACT To continue for a temporary period certain powers, authority, and discre- tion conferred on the President by the Second Decontrol Act of 1947, and for other purposes ------ ____--- -___-___ ___- 607 --- Volunteer firemen, commemorative stamp. JOINT RESOLU- TION To provide for the issuance of a special postage stamp series in honor of volunteer firemen ------------ _--------- 608 --- Fort Kearney, Nebr., co mm emo rative stamp. JOINT RESOLU- TION To authorize the issuance of a special series of stamps commemorative of the one hundredth anniversary of the founding of Fort Kearney in the State of Nebraska -_ -- -- -_ 609 --- New York City, commemorative stamp. JOINT RESOLUTION To authorize the issuance of a stamp commemorative of the golden anniversary of the consolidation of the Boroughs of Manhattan, Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, and Richmond, which boroughs now comprise New York City___________________ 610 _--Meat inspection. AN ACT Relating to the meat-inspection service of the Department of Agriculture --- _____________- - 611 ___ National Archives. AN ACT To amend section 10 of the Act establishing a National Archives of the United States Govern- ment ---- _---------------------------___---__--------- 612 -__ Tariff Act of 1930, amendment. AN ACT To amend paragraph 813 of the Tariff Act of 1930-------_....__.......... 613 ___ Tariff duties on scrap iron, etc. AN ACT To continue until the close of June 30, 1949, the present suspension of import duties on scrap iron, scrap steel, and nonferrous metal scrap______ 614 ___ International Industrial Exposition, Inc. , Atlantic City, N. J. JOINT RESOLUTION To permit articles imported from foreign countries for the purpose of exhibition at the Inter- national Industrial Exposition, Incorporated, Atlantic City, New Jersey, to be admitted without payment of tariff, and for other purposes----------------.-.---_ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ 615 -_- Sexual psychopaths, D. C. AN ACT To provide for the treat- ment of sexual psychopaths in the District of Columbia, and for other purposes ------------------------- ________ .__ 616 _--Surplus Property Act of 1944, amendment. AN ACT To amend section 13 of the Surplus Property Act of 1944, as amended, to provide for the disposition of surplus real property to States, political subdivisions, and municipalities for use as public parks, recreational areas, and historic-monument sites, and for other purposes --------------.----------..._ _ __ _ _ 617 --- Civil Service Act, amendment. AN ACT To amend the Civil Service Act to remove certain discrimination with respect to the appointment of persons having any physical handicap to positions in the classified civil service ----------- - 618 --- Chesapeake and Ohio Canal, parkway study. AN ACT To au- thorize the Secretary of the Interior to have made by the Public Roads Administration and the National Park Service a joint reconnaissance survey of the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal between Great Falls, Maryland, and Cumberland, Maryland, and to report to the Congress upon the advisability and practicability of constructing thereon a parkway, and for other purposes -------


619 --- Fort Story, Va. AN ACT To provide for the disposal of surplus sand at Fort Story, Virginia ------

_____________- 620 --- Theodore Roosevelt NationalMemorial Park. AN ACT To amend the Act of April 25, 1947, relating to the establishment of the Theodore Roosevelt National Memorial Park, and for other purpose------------------------. -- _------------._. Date June 4, 1948___ June 4, 1948 -- June 4, 1948__- June 4, 1948__- June 4, 1948_-- June 4, 1948_-- June 4,1948--- June 4,1948___ June 5,1948- - June 8,1948__- June 8,1948___ June 8,1948--- June 8,1948_-- June 9, 1948--- June 10, 1948--- June 10, 1948 -- June 10,1948_ - - June 10, 1948--- Page 336 337 338 339 342 343 343 343 344 344 344 344 345 346 350 351 351 352 June 10, 1948 -- 352