Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 1.djvu/177

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62 STAT.] 8OTH CONG., 2n SESS.-CH. 169-APR . 3, 1948 (b) The procurement of petroleum and petroleum products under this title shall, to the maximum extent practicable, be made from petroleum sources outside the United States; and, in furnishing com- modities under the provisions of this title, the Administrator shall take fully into account the present and anticipated world shortage of petroleum and its products and the consequent undesirability of expansion in petroleum-consuming equipment where the use of alter- nate fuels or other sources of power is practicable. (c) In order to assure the conservation of domestic grain supplies and the retention in the United States of byproduct feeds necessary to the maintenance of the agricultural economy of the United States, the amounts of wheat and wheat flour produced in the United States to be transferred by grant to the participating countries shall be so determined that the total quantity of United States wheat used to produce the wheat flour procured in the United States for transfer by grant to such countries under this title shall not be less than 25 per centum of the aggregate of the unprocessed wheat and wheat in the form of flour procured in the United States for transfer by grant to such countries under this title. (d) The term "surplus agricultural commodity" as used in this section is defined as any agricultural commodity, or product thereof, produced in the United States which is determined by the Secretary of Agriculture to be in excess of domestic requirements. In providing for the procurement of any such surplus agricultural commodity for transfer by grant to any participating country in accordance with the requirements of such country, the Administrator shall, insofar as prac- ticable and where in furtherance of the purposes of this title, give effect to the following: (1) The Administrator shall authorize the procurement of any such surplus agricultural commodity only within the United States: Pro- vided, That this restriction shall not be applicable (i) to any agri- cultural commodity, or product thereof, located in one participating country, and intended for transfer to another participating country, if the Administrator, in consultation with the Secretary of Agricul- ture, determines that such procurement and transfer is in furtherance of the purposes of this title, and would not create a burdensome surplus in the United States or seriously prejudice the position of domestic producers of such surplus agricultural commodities, or (ii) if, and to the extent that any such surplus agricultural commodity is not available in the United States in sufficient quantities to supply the requirements of the participating countries under this title. (2) In providing for the procurement of any such surplus agri- cultural commodity, the Administrator shall, insofar as practicable and applicable, and after giving due consideration to the excess of any such commodity over domestic requirements, and to the historic reliance of United States producers of any such surplus agricultural commodity upon markets in the participating countries, provide for the procurement of each class or type of any such surplus agricultural commodity in the approximate proportion that the Secretary of Agri- culture determines such classes or types bear to the total amount of excess of such surplus agricultural commodity over domestic requirements. (e) Whenever the Secretary of Agriculture determines that any quantity of any surplus agricultural commodity, heretofore or here- after acquired by Commodity Credit Corporation in the administra- tion of its price-support programs, is available for use in furnishing assistance to foreign countries, he shall so advise all departments, agencies, and establishments of the Government administering laws providing for the furnishing of assistance or relief to foreign countries (including occupied or liberated countries or areas of such countries). 147 Petroleum and pe- troleum products. Wheat and wheat flour. "Surplus agricultur- al commodity. " Procurement within United States. Transfer from one country to another. Surpluses acquired by CCC.