Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 1.djvu/199

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80TH CONG., 2D SESS.- CH. 180-APR . 9,1948 proceeding, to report to such court any changes, facts, or develop- ments which have occurred since December 31, 1939, which were not provided for in the plan and which, in the opinion of the Com- mission, make it necessary or expedient for the Commission to reexamine or reconsider and, if necessary, to revise such plan in order to insure that if consummated and put into effect, such plan shall then, in the opinion of the Commission, be fair and equitable and in the public interest and compatible with the provisions of this section and section 77 of the Bankruptcy Act, as amended. Upon the filing of any such report by the Commission with the court, the court shall remand the plan to the Commission for such reexamination, reconsideration, and possible revision; (4) in the event of the return of a plan to the Commission pur- suant to the provisions of this subsection (a), the proceedings with respect thereto shall be governed by the provisions of sub- section (d) of section 77 of the Bankruptcy Act, as amended; (5) each petition filed under the provisions of paragraph (1) or paragraph (3) of this subsection (a) shall be filed with the court before which is pending the plan which is the subject of the petition and such petition shall be referred by the court to the Commission. Upon the filing of such petition with the court all further proceedings for confirmation of the plan shall be sus- pended pending disposition of the petition by the Commission and certification of its action thereon to the court. (b) As to any plan so returned to the Commission by the court, the Commission, upon further hearing at which all parties may appear and submit evidence as to prospective earning power and other relevant facts, and upon consideration of all changes, facts, and developments which have occurred since the date of approval of the plan by the Commission (or which have occurred since December 31, 1939, in the case of plans which on the date of enactment of this Act were pending before, but had not been confirmed by, the court by order which shall have become final), including, without limitation, for such period total railway operating revenues, operating expenses and other charges, net earnings, the full effect of amortization deduc- tions on earnings of past and future years, improvements to property, the effect of released collateral through past or future payments of loans, cash and net current assets, retirements and purchases of debt, including retirements and purchases at a discount that have been made or that can reasonably be made, adjustment and reduction of interest rates on outstanding debt that may be made, shall, in a supple- mental report and order, modify, or refuse to modify, any plan which it has approved, stating the reasons for such modification or for its refusal to modify the plan. The Commission, if it modifies the plan, shall certify the modified plan to the court, together with a transcript of the proceeding before it and a copy of its report and order approv- ing the modified plan. Thereafter proceedings upon the plan shall be governed by the provisions of subsection (e) of section 77 of the Bankruptcy Act, as amended, and of this section. If the Commission refuses to modify the plan, it shall transmit to the court a copy of its report and order, together with a transcript of the proceedings before it. Thereafter, if the court shall find that the refusal of the Commission to modify the plan is based on sufficient findings and is supported by the record, the proceeding upon the plan shall continue as if the plan had not been returned to the Commission; otherwise the court shall return the plan to the Commission for further con- sideration. Upon such consideration, the Commission shall again certify the plan to the court with such modifications, if any, as it may find necessary, and thereafter further proceedings upon the plan shall be as provided in said subsection (e) and in this section. 47 Stat. 1474. 11 U. . 0. J 205. Modification or re- fusal to modify. 47 Stat. 1478. I1U. S.C.§ 05(e). 62 STAT.