Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 1.djvu/229

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62 STAT.] 80TH CONG. , 2D SESS.-CHS. 229-231-APR. 24, 26, 1948 Provided,That the number so employed shall not exceed five and that the maximum compensation for each shall not exceed $15,000 per annum. There is hereby authorized to be appropriated such sums as Congress may deem necessary; in addition, the Secretary is authorized to utilize, in carrying out this section, funds otherwise available for the control or eradication of such diseases." Approved April 24, 1948. [CHAPTER 2301 AN ACT To authorize transfer of surplus real property to the jurisdiction of the Depart- ment of the Interior for consolidation of Federal holdings within areas admin- istered by the National Park Service. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That any Federal agency administering real property situated within the boundaries of a national park or national monument and surplus to its needs or any other Federal agency or instrumentality holding such property for disposal only, is authorized, with the approval of the President of the United States, to transfer surplus real property or interest therein to the Department of the Interior without reimbursement or transfer of funds, having an aggregate appraised value not to exceed $500,000, upon determination by the Secretary of the Interior that it is in the Federal interest to consolidate such Federal holdings within areas administered by the National Park Service. SEC. 2. Any real property or interest therein transferred pursuant to section 1 of this Act shall become a part of the area with which it is consolidated and shall be subject to all the laws and regulations applicable thereto. The authorization conferred by this Act, unless extended by Congress, shall expire July 1, 1952. Approved April 24, 1948. [CHAPTER 231] JOINT RESOLUTION To provide for the commemoration of the sesquicentennial anniversary of the establishment of the Department of the Navy. Whereas the Department of the Navy was created by the Act entitled "An Act to establish an Executive Department, to be denominated the Department of the Navy", approved April 30, 1798 (1 Stat. 553); and Whereas by such Act the Secretary of the Navy was charged with the duty "to execute such orders as he shall receive from the President of the United States, relative to the procurement of naval stores and materials and the construction, armament, equipment and employ- ment of vessels of war, as well as all other matters connected with the naval establishment of the United States": Therefore be it Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Navy is hereby authorized and directed by appropriate order to desig- nate April 30, 1948, as a day to be observed within the Naval Estab- lishment by appropriate ceremonies in commemoration of the one hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the creation of the Department of the Navy and in honor of the gallant personnel who have rendered service in the Naval Establishment of the United States since the founding of such Department. Approved April 26, 1948. 199 Appropriation au- thorized. Post, pp . 515, 1037. April 24,1948 [H. R. 37031 [Public Law 497] Transfer of surplus real property in na- tional parks, etc. Termination. April 2(, 1948 (S. J. Res. 207] TPublic Law 498S Navy Department. One hundred and fiftieth anniversary.