Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 1.djvu/251

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62 STAT.] 80TH CONG. , 2 D SESS.-CH. 270-MAY 10, 1948 Construction, and so forth, irrigation systems: For an additional amount for the construction, rehabilitation, and improvement of irriga- tion systems on Indian reservations, including the same objects and limitations under this head in the Interior Department Appropriation Act, 1948, to remain available until completion of the project, as 61 Stat.467. follows: Montana: Flathead, $125,000. Construction, and so forth, buildings and utilities: For an addi- tional amount for "Construction, and so forth, buildings and utilities", for the item "Alaska", $716,000. MISCELLANEOUS INDIAN TRIBAL FUNDS Suppressing forest and range fires (tribal funds): For an addi- tional amount for "Suppressing forest and range fires (tribal funds) ", $25,000. BUREAU OF RECLAMATION CONSTRUCTION Construction: For an additional amount for "Construction", out of the reclamation fund created by the Act of June 17, 1902, as amended (43 U. S . C . 391), for construction and continuation of con- 32Stat.388 . struction of the following projects in not to exceed the following amounts, to remain available until expended, and to be subject to such limitations and restrictions as may be applicable to appropriations for such purposes in the Interior Department Appropriation Act, 1948, or other law, all to be reimbursable (except as otherwise provided 61 Stat. i 73 by law) under the reclamation laws: Boise project, Idaho, Anderson Ranch dam, $700,000; Boise project, Idaho, Payette division, $800,000; Rathdrum Prairie project, Idaho, $109,500 to be available for emer- gency rehabilitation of the works of the Iayden Lake unit. GENERAL FUND, CONSTRUCTION General fund. construction: For additional amounts for continu- ation of construction of the following projects, to remain available until expended, and to be subject to such limitations and restrictions as nny be applicable to appropriations for such purposes in the Inte- rior Departnmnt Appropriation Act. 1948, or other law, as follows: 61 Stat. 475. Colorado-Big Thompson project, Colorado, $3,000,000; Central Valley project, California, irrigation facilities, $1,000,000. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE Parker Dam power project, Arizona-California: For an additional amount for "Parker Dam power project, Arizona-California", from power and other revenues, $726,000. North Platte project, Nebraska-Wyoming: For an additional amount for "North Platte project, Nebraska-Wyoming" from power revenues, $56,800, of which $25,000 is for payment of a claim under part 2 of the Federal Tort Claims Act of August 2, 1946 (28 U. S. C. Stat. 921). Po.. COLORADO RIVER DAM FUND Boulder Canyon project: For an additional amount for "Boulder Canyon project", payable from the Colorado River dam fund, $49,000. Boulder Canyon project: For payment to the Boulder City School District in accordance with the provisions of S. 1985, $39,000, payable PtO pp 113.l from the Colorado River damn fund. 221