Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 1.djvu/266

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236 May 14, 1948 [H. R. 5262] [Public Law 529] Sale of Indian lands. 25 U. . C.0. 461- 479, 501 -509; Supp. I, $ 502. Post, p. 991. May 18, 1948 In. R. 1189] [Public Law 530] PUBLIC LAWS-CHS. 293, 298-MAY 14, 18, 1948 [CHAPTER 293] AN ACT [62 STAT. To authorize the sale of individual Indian lands acquired under the Act of June 18, 1934, and under the Act of June 26, 1936. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Interior, or his duly authorized representative, is hereby author- ized in his discretion, and upon application of the Indian owners, to issue patents in fee, to remove restrictions against alienation, and to approve conveyances, with respect to lands or interests in lands held by individual Indians under the provisions of the Act of June 18, 1934 (48 Stat. 984), or the Act of June 26, 1936 (49 Stat. 1967). Approved May 14, 1948. [CHAPTER 298] AN ACT To establish the methods of advancement for post-office employees (rural carriers) in the field service. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the eniority At forr United States of America in Congress assembled, That the seniority status of a rural mail carrier shall be based upon the regulations of the Post Office Department which provide that seniority shall commence on the day of appointment as a regular rural carrier. In case of volun- tary transfer from one post office to another, or from any branch of the service into the rural service, the relative seniority of the transferee shall be determined by the date of entrance into the rural service of the office to which transfer is made. eriginal appoint- SEC. 2 . All rural carriers, upon enteringthe service, shall be assigned to the least desirable route and shall rise to the more desirable routes Promotions by seniority only. SEC. 3 . The awarding of promotions and preferential assignments shall be based upon seniority and ability; if ability be sufficient, senior- ew ity shall govern. canc route or SEC. 4 . Each new route or vacancy shall be bulletined and all rural carriers attached to the office shall be given a chance to apply. The senior rural carrier who applies shall be assigned thereto as provided in section 3. Inablity to fll as- SEC. 5 . Rural carriers awarded these assignments shall have ninety signment. days in which to demonstrate their fitness for the route and shall not be removed therefrom until their inability to fill the assignment has been proven. In case of their inability to fill the new assignment they shall be returned to their former position. Such rural carrier shall be allowed the right of appeal as stated in section 6. Hang. SEC. 6 . (a) A senior rural carrier who makes application for a new or vacant route, whose application has been denied, or who has been declared incompetent for same, shall have the right, upon written request, to a hearing before a post-office inspector, on his case, and shall be furnished a statement in writing of the reasons for his rejection by official responsible for same. (b) This hearing shall occur, except under unusual conditions pre- venting same, within ten days from the date of his request. In case of a postponement, the rural carrier affected shall be given a written statement of the reason for the postponement. (c) The rural carrier shall have the right to be represented at the hearing by not more than three representatives of his own choosing.