Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 1.djvu/314

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284 PUBLIC LAWS-CHS. 363, 364 -JUNE 1, 1948 [62 STAT. and northeasterly along the divide between the Chisana and the Nabesna Rivers to Mount Allen; thence northwesterly on a straight line crossing the Nabesna River approximately twenty-four miles to an unnamed peak in latitude sixty-two degrees thirty minutes forty seconds north, longitude one hundred and forty-two degrees forty-three minutes thirty seconds west; thence northerly and north- westerly along the divide between Cheslina and Tetling Rivers on the north and Totschunda and Platinum Creeks on the south, continu- ing northwesterly along the divide between the Tanana and the Copper Rivers to Mount Kimball; thence continuing southwesterly along the divide between the waters of the Kuskokwim River and Bay on the north and west and the Gulf of Alaska and Bristol Bay on the south to a westerly point of Cape Newenham; the said division to include the Alaska Peninsula, the Aleutian and Pribilof Islands, and all islands along and off the coast of this division, between Cape Newenham and the point where the one hundred and forty-first meridian, west longitude, intersects the northern line of the territory. Effective date. "This Act shall take effect sixty days after it has been approved by the President." Approved June 1, 1948. June 1, 1948 [H. R . 5901] [Public Law 5701 Boulder Canyon Project Adjustment Act, amendment. 54 Stat. 774. 54 Stat. 776. 43 U. .C. 1618b. Pout, p. 1130. Appropriation of re- eeipts authorized. [CHAPTER 364] AN ACT To provide for the distribution among the States of Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming of the receipts of the Colorado River Development Fund for use in the fiscal years 1949 to 1955, inclusive, on a basis which is as nearly equal as practicable and to make available other funds for the investigation and construction of projects in any of the States of the Colorado River Basin in addition to appropriations for said purposes from the Colorado River Development Fund. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That section 2 (d) of the Boulder Canyon Project Adjustment Act (U. S . C., 1940 edi- tion, title 43, sec. 618a (d)) is hereby amended to read as follows: "(d) Transfer, subject to the provisions of section 3 hereof, from the Colorado River Dam Fund to a special fund in the Treasury, hereby established and designated the 'Colorado River Development Fund', of the sum of $500,000 for the year of operation ending May 31, 1938, and the like sum of $500,000 for each year of operation thereafter, until and including the year of operation ending May 31, 1987. The transfer of the said sum of $500,000 for each year of operation shall be made on or before July 31 next following the close of the year of operation for which it is made: Provided, That any such transfer for any year of operation which shall have ended at the time this section 2 (d) shall become effective shall be made, without interest, from revenues received in the Colorado River Dam Fund, as expedi- tiously as administration of this Act will permit, and without read- vances from the general funds of the Treasury. Receipts of the Colorado River Development Fund for the years of operation ending in 1938, 1939, and 1940 (or in the event of reduced receipts during any of said years, due to adjustments under section 3 hereof, then the first receipts of said fund up to $1,500,000), are authorized to be appro- priated only for the continuation and extension, under the direction of the Secretary, of studies and investigations by the Bureau of Recla- mation for the formulation of a comprehensive plan for the utilization of waters of the Colorado River system for irrigation, electrical power, and other purposes, in the States of the upper division and the States of the lower division, including studies of quantity and quality of water and all other relevant factors The next such receipts up to