Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 1.djvu/346

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316 PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 400-JUNE 3, 1948 [62 STAT. the Secretary of State may, in his absolute discretion, on or before June 30, 1949, terminate the employment of any officer or employee of the Department of State or of the Foreign Service of the United States whenever he shall deem such termination necessary or advisable in the interests of the United States. Exchange of funds. SEC. 105. The exchange of funds for payment of expenses in connec- tion with the operation of diplomatic and consular establishments abroad shall not be subject to the provisions of section 3651 of the Revised Statutes (31 U. S . C . 543). Trave epenses. SEC. 106. Appropriations under this Act available for expenses in connection with travel of personnel outside the continental United States, including travel of dependents and transportation of personal effects, household goods, or automobiles of such personnel, shall be available for such expenses when any part of such travel or transpor- tation begins in the fiscal year 1949 pursuant to travel orders issued in that year, notwithstanding the fact that such travel or transpor- tation may not be completed during the fiscal year 1949. Citation of title may be cited as the "Department of State Appropriation Act, 1949". Department of Jus- tice Appropriation Act, 1949. 00 Stat. 903. Special assistants to Attorney General. 42 Stat. 1488. U.S. C. 661 - 674. 60 Stat. 810 . 60 Stat. 903. 68 Stat. 394. Podt, p. 1049. 60 Stat. 843. Pot, p. 1008. TITLE II-DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE I.BAL ACTIVITIES AND GENERAL ADMINISTRATION For personal services in the District of Columbia, including a health service program as authorized by law (5 U. S . C . 150), and for special attorneys and special assistants to the Attorney General as follows: For the offices of the Attorney General, Solicitor General, Assistant to the Attorney General, Assistant Solicitor General, Pardon Attor- ney, Board of Immigration Appeals, and Board of Parole, $770,000. For the Administrative Division, $1,150,000. For the Tax Division, $875,000. For the Criminal Division, $750,000. For the Claims Division, $1,550,000. Not to exceed $250,000 of the foregoing appropriations for personal services shall be available for the employment, on duties properly chargeable to each of said appropriations, of special assistants to the Attorney General without regard to the Classification Act of 1923, as amended. Contingent expenses: For miscellaneous and emergency expenses authorized or approved by the Attorney General or his Administra- tive Assistant, including stenographic reporting services by contract as authorized by section 15 of the Act of August 2, 1946 (5 U. S. C. 55a), a health service program as authorized by law (5 U. S . C . 150), purchase of one passenger motor vehicle for replacement only, and examination of estimates of appropriation in the field; $220,000. Traveling expenses: For necessary traveling expenses not other- wise provided for, $145,000. Printing and binding: For printing and binding, $550,000. Penalty mail: For deposit in the Treasury for penalty mail (39 U. S . C . 321d), $108,000. Damage claims: For payment of claims pursuant to section 403 of the Federal Tort Claims Act (28 U. S . C . 921), $5,000. Salaries and expenses, Customs Division: For necessary expenses, including travel expenses and employment of special attorneys and expert witnesses at such rates of compensation as may be authorized or approved by the Attorney General or his Administrative Assistant, $187,000. Salaries and expenses, Antitrust Division: For expenses necessary