Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 1.djvu/473

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62 STAT.] 80rH CONG. , 2D SESS.-CHS. 471, 472-JUNE 15, 16, 1948 SEC. 2 . The Secretary of Agriculture either independently or in cooperation with public or private agencies is authorized to carry out operations or measures to eradicate, suppress, control, or prevent the spread of, the golden nematode. SEC. 3. The activities contemplated by this Act include cooperation with States and other agencies in making inspections, applying sup- pressive measures, enforcing quarantines, enforcing restrictions on the planting of potatoes and tomatoes, destroying potatoes and toma- toes growing in soil found infested or exposed to infestation with the golden nematode, and compensating growers in areas infected, or exposed to infestation, with the golden nematode for not planting potatoes or tomatoes or for losses resulting from destruction for the purposes of this Act of potatoes or tomatoes. SEC. 4. In the discretion of the Secretary of Agriculture no part of any sums appropriated to carry out the purposes of this Act shall be expended with respect to any area infested with the golden nema- tode or exposed to such infestation until the appropriate cooperating agency or agencies have presented evidence satisfactory to the Secre- tary of Agriculture that they will provide funds, materials, means, and State and local authority necessary for the cooperating agency or agencies to carry out effectively that part of the cooperative program the Secretary of Agriculture may require from the cooperating agency or agencies. SEC. 5. The Secretary of Agriculture shall not undertake any pro- gram involving mandatory restrictions on the planting of potatoes or tomatoes, or mandatory destruction of potatoes or tomatoes unless the State concerned shall have enacted legislation authorizing such restrictions or destruction. SEC. 6. The amount of compensation to be paid by the Federal Government and any cooperating agency, and the method of computa- tion thereof, shall be determined by the Secretary of Agriculture or the agent or agents designated by him, in cooperation with the respon- sible officials of the agency concerned and in a manner to assure that necessary records are preserved to show full compliance with the pro- visions of this Act and regulations promulgated in accordance there- with. No payment shall be made to any grower except after com- pliance in good faith with regulations concerning the golden nematode promulgated by the Secretary of Agriculture and the responsible official of the cooperating agency. The determination by the Secre- tary of Agriculture, or his authorized agent, of the amount of com- pensation to be provided by the Federal Government for any grower shall be final. SEC. 7 . To carry out the purposes of this Act the Secretary of Agriculture is authorized to incur all necessary expenses, including the employment of persons in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, printing and binding, and the purchase of passenger-carrying vehicles. SEC. 8. The provisions of this Act are intended to supplement, and shall not be construed as limiting or repealing existing legislation. SEC. 9. This Act may be cited as the "Golden Nematode Act". Approved June 15, 1948. [CHAPTER 472] AN ACT Making supplemental appropriations for the Federal Security Agency for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1949, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums are appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise The Supplemental Federal Security Agency Appropria- tion Act, 140. Ante, p. S39; pot. p. 1032 . 443 Cooperation with other agencies. Inspection, etc., of potatoes and toma- tees. Assistance ofcooper- ating agencies. Restrictions on planting; destruction. Payments by Fed- eral Government. Expenses. Post, p . 1037. Short title. June 16, 1948 [H. R . 6355] [Public Law 646]