Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 1.djvu/481

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62 STAT.] 80TH CONG. , 2D SESS.-CH. 473-JUNE 16, 1948 equivalent powers whether created by Executive order or legislative enactment. (2) The term "airport property" means any property, real or per- sonal, or any interest therein, used or useful, directly or indirectly, in connection with the administration, operation, or maintenance of an airport, including but not limited to (1) land; (2) runways, strips, taxiways, and parking aprons; (3) buildings, structures, improve- ments, and facilities, whether or not used in connection with the land- ing and take-off of aircraft; and (4) equipment (including parts and components thereof), furniture, vehicles, and supplies. (3) The term "airway property" means any property, real or per- sonal, or any interest therein, used or useful, directly or indirectly, in connection with the administration, operation, or maintenance of any ground installation, facility, or equipment (including parts and components thereof) necessary or desirable for the orderly and safe operation of air traffic, including but not limited to air navigation, air-traffic control, airway communications, and meteorological facilities. (4) The term "foreign territory" means any area of land or water over which no nation or a nation other than the United States exer- cises the incidents of sovereignty (including territory of undeter- mined sovereignty and the high seas), any area of land or water temporarily under military occupation by the United States, and any area of land or water occupied or administered by the United States or any other nation under any international agreement. ESTABLISHMENT AND OPERATION, IN FOREIGN TERRITORY, OF FACILITIES RELATED TO AVIATION SEC. 3. After consultation with the Air Coordinating Committee and subject to concurrence of the Secretary of State, and with due regard for the objectives of the International Civil Aviation Organization, the Administrator of Civil Aeronautics (hereinafter referred to as the "Administrator") and the Chief of the Weather Bureau of the Department of Commerce, within their respective fields, are author- ized, by contract or otherwise, to acquire, establish, and construct airport property and airway property in foreign territory: Provided however, That, except in the case of airport property transferred under section 8, no airport (as defined in section 1 of the Civil Aero- nautics Act of 1938, as amended) may be acquired, established, or constructed under authority of this section unless funds for such purpose have been specifically appropriated by the Congress. TRAINING OF FOREIGN NATIONALS IN AERONAUTICAL AND RELATED SUBJEOTS SEC. 4. Subject to the concurrence of the Secretary of State, the Administrator and the Chief of the Weather Bureau, within their respective fields, are authorized within or outside the United States to train foreign nationals directly, or in conjunction with any other United States Government agency, or through any United States pub- lic or private agency (including any State or municipal educational institution), or through any international organization, in aero- nautical and related subjects essential to the orderly and safe operation of civil aircraft. ACCEPTANCE OF FUNDS FOR FACILITIES SUPPLIED OR SERVICES PERFORMED FOR A FOREIGN GOVERNMENT OR AN INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION SEC. 5. The Administrator and the Chief of the Weather Bureau, respectively, are authorized to accept, on behalf of the United States, 451 "Airport property." "Airway property." " Foreign territory." Post, p. 452 . 62 Stat. 077. 49U.S. . 401. Poat, p. 49a.