Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 1.djvu/622

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PUBLIC LAWS--CH. 617-JUNE 24, 1948 packing and crating of officers' allowance of baggage; care of the dead as authorized by law, including transportation; construction, Schools, operation, and maintenance of laundries, contribution to the support of schools at Marine Corps posts as authorized by section 13 of the St. I421d. Act of August 2, 1946 (Public Law 604); clothing, subsistence, heat, light, transportation, and miscellaneous expenses for the Marine Corps Reserve; $132,000,000. SHIPBUILDING CONSTRUCTION OF SHIPS Construction of ships: For expenses, not otherwise provided for, necessary for the construction and procurement of hulls, machinery, and equipment of vessels authorized by law and approved after July 17, 1947, in accordance therewith, including conversions and replacements, and tools and equipment for such construction in public and private plants, and group IVb personnel in the Bureau of Ships necessary for the purposes of this appropriation, $56,800,000; and in addition, $14,300,000 shall be transferred to this appropriation from the appropriation "Increase and replacement of naval vessels, con- struction and machinery", both amounts to be immediately available and to remain available until expended. ORDNANCE FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION Ordnance for new construction: For expenses, not otherwise pro- vided for, necessary for the construction and procurement of armor, armament, and ammunition for vessels provided for in the appropria- tion "Constructioni of ships", including tools and equipment in public and private plants and group IVb personnel in the Bureau of Ordnance necessary for the purpose of this appropriation, for the production of armor, armament, and ammunition for said vessels, $9,470,000; and, in addition, $1,700,000 shall be transferred to this appropriation from the appropriation "Increase and replacement of naval vessels, armor, armament, and ammunition", both amounts to be immediately avail- able and to remain available until expended: Provided, That the limitation on the availability of the appropriation "Increase and replacement of naval vessels" for construction of new vessels shall not be applicable to this appropriation nor the appropriation "Construc- tion of ships". INCREASE AND REPLACEMENT OF NAVAL VESSELS Hereafter the balance remaining of appropriations under "Increase and replacement of naval vessels" shall not be available for beginning Ymtomentotper- the construction of any new vessels: Provided, That of the balances remaining of appropriations under this head, there shall be available during the fiscal year 1949 such sums as the Secretary may from time to time determine to be necessary for the employment of personnel in the Bureau of Ships and the Bureau of Ordnance in connection with the construction of vessels which have been heretofore authorized under this head. NAVY DEPARTMENT SALARIES For compensation for personal services at the seat of government, as follows: Office of the Secretary of the Navy: Secretary of the Navy, Under Secretary of the Navy, Assistant Secretaries of the Navy, and other personal services, $3,965,000; Office of Naval Research, $1,207,000; 592 [62 STAT.