Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 1.djvu/695

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62 STAT.] 80TH CONG. , 2D SESS.-CH. 632-JUNE 24, 1948 1, 1928: Provided further, That none of the funds appropriated else- where in this Act, except for printing and binding and pay and allow- ances of officers and enlisted men, shall be used for expenses in connection with the Reserve Officers' Training Corps. NATIONAL BOARD FOR PROMOTION OF RIFLE PRACTICE, ARMY Promotion of rifle practice: For construction, equipment, and main- tenance of rifle ranges, the instruction of citizens in marksmanship; and promotion of practice in the use of rifled arms, for arms, ammuni- tion, targets, and other accessories for target practice, for issue and sale in accordance with rules and regulations prescribed by the National Board for the Promotion of Rifle Practice and approved by the Secretary of the Army; clerical services, including not exceeding $82,000 in the District of Columbia; procurement of materials, sup- plies, trophies, prizes, badges, services, and such other items as are authorized in section 113, Act of June 3, 1916 and under this head in War Department Appropriation Act of June 7, 1924; conduct of the national matches, including incidental travel of rifle teams and of individuals and of Marine Corps and other detachments required in the operation of the matches and including incidental travel of rifle teams and individuals attending regional, national, and international competitions, including not to exceed $5,000 for Olympic rifle and pistol competitions of the calendar year 1948, and for the purchase of medals and badges for use in National Rifle Association competi- tions, including those fired as a part of the national matches; mileage at 8 cents per mile for members of the National Board for the Pro- motion of Rifle Practice when authorized by the Secretary of the Army, any provision of law to the contrary notwithstanding; and maintenance of the National Board for the Promotion of Rifle Prac- tice, including not to exceed $10,500 for incidental expenses in addition to the amount authorized by Act of May 28, 1928; to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Army; $175,000: Provided, That officers, warrant officers, and enlisted men of the National Guard and Organized Reserves, who, under regulations prescribed by the Secretary of the Army, volunteer to participate without pay as com- petitors or range officers in the national matches to be held during the fiscal year 1949, may attend such matches without pay, notwithstand- ing any provision of law to the contrary, but shall be entitled to travel and subsistence allowances at the same rates as are provided for civilians who attend and participate in said matches, but this proviso shall not operate to prohibit the pay of such competitors or range officers, provided funds for such payment are available from the appro- priation "Promotion of rifle practice, 1949", nor shall any provision in this Act operate to deprive a Reserve officer ordered to active duty incident to the national matches of pay for the full period of such active duty, provided funds for such payment are available from the appropriation "Promotion of rifle practice, 1949": Provided further, That officers, warrant officers, and enlisted men of the National Guard and Organized Reserves may be ordered to duty, with their consent, for the care, maintenance, and operation of the ranges used in the conduct of the national matches, and such officers, warrant officers, and enlisted men while so engaged shall be entitled to the same pay, subsistence, and transportation as officers, warrant officers, and enlisted men of corresponding grades of the Regular Army are entitled by law which expense shall be provided by the appropriation "Promotion of rifle practice"; and after being duly mustered may be paid for the period from the date of leaving home rendezvous to date of return thereto as determined in advance, both dates inclusive. 665 Restriction on use of other funds. Supplies, etc. 39 Stat. 211; 43 Stat. 510. 32 U. S. C.0§ 183, 186, 181. National matches. Olympic rifle and pistol competitions. Mileage for Board members. Maintenance of Board. 45 Stat. 788. 32U.S.C.j181c. Volunteer competi- tors or range officers. Travel and subsist- ence allowances. Care, etc., of ranges.