Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 1.djvu/768

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PUBLIC LAWS--C. 645-JUNE 25, 1948 separate military or naval command concerned, or higher authority, and promptly submitting the product obtained to such commanding officer or higher authority for censorship or such other action as he may deem necessary. (b) Whoever violates this section shall be fined not more than $1,000 or imprisoned not more than one year, or both. § 796. USE OF AIRCRAFT FOR PHOTOGRAPHING DEFENSE INSTALLATIONS Whoever uses or permits the use of an aircraft or any contrivance used, or designed for navigation or flight in the air, for the purpose of making a photograph, sketch, picture, drawing, map, or graphical representation of vital military or naval installations or equipment, Ante, p. T7 . in violation of section 795 of this title, shall be fined not more than $1,000 or imprisoned not more than one year, or both. § 797. PUBLICATION AND SALE OF PHOTOGRAPHS OF DEFENSE INSTAL- LATIONS On and after thirty days from the date upon which the President defines any vital military or naval installation or equipment as being within the category contemplated under section 795 of this title, who- ever reproduces, publishes, sells, or gives away any photograph, sketch, picture, drawing, map, or graphical representation of the vital military or naval installations or equipment so defined, without first obtaining permission of the commanding officer of the military or naval post, camp, or station concerned, or higher authority, unless such photo- graph, sketch, picture, drawing, map, or graphical representation has clearly indicated thereon that it has been censored by the proper military or naval authority, shall be fined not more than $1,000 or imprisoned not more than one year, or both. CHAPTE 39.--EPLOSIVES AND COMBUSTIBLES Sec. 831. Definitions. 832. Transportation of dynamite, powder and fuses. 833. Transportation of nitroglycerin. 834. Marking packages containing explosives. 835. Regulations by Interstate Commerce Commission. § 831. DEFINITIONS As used in this chapter- Detonatingfues." "Detonating fuzes means fuzes used in naval or military service to detonate the high-explosive bursting charges of projectiles, mines, bombs, or torpedoes; "es." "Fuzes" means devices used in igniting the bursting charges of projectiles; Prime. "Primers" means devices used in igniting the propelling powder charges of ammunition; Flses . "Fuses" means the slow-burning fuses used commercially to convey fire to an explosive combustible mass slowly or without danger to the person lighting same; !Faee." "Fusees" means the fusees ordinarily used on steamboats and rail- roads as night signals. § 832. TRANSPORTATION OF DYNAMITE, POWDER AND FUSES Whoever knowingly transports, carries, or conveys within the limits of the jurisdiction of the United States, any high explosive, such as and including, dynamite, blasting caps, detonating fuzes, black powder, gunpowder, or other like explosive, on any car or vehicle of any descrip- tion operated in the transportation of passengers by a common carrier engaged in interstate or foreign commerce, which car or vehicle is carrying passengers for hire, shall be fined not more than $1,000 or imprisoned not more than one year, or both; and, if the death or bodily 738 [62 STAT.