Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 1.djvu/849

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62 STAT.] 80TH CONG. , 2D SESS.-CH. 645 -JUNE 25, 1948 819 § 3060. PRELUMINARY EXAMINATION-(RULE) SEE FEDERAL RULES OF CRIMINAL PROCEDURE Proceedings before commissioner, appearance, advice as to right to counsel, hearing, Rule 5. CHAPTEB 205.S -SEARCHEB AND SEIZURES Sec. 3101. Effect of rules of court-Rule. 3102. Authority to issue search warrant-Rule. 3103. Grounds for issuing search warrant-Rule. 3104. Issuance of search warrant; contents-Rule. 3105. Persons authorized to serve search warrant. 3106. Officer authorized to serve search warrant-Rule. 3107. Service of warrants and seizures by Federal Bureau of Investigation. 3108. Execution, service, and return-Rule. 3109. Breaking doors or windows for entry or exit. 3110. Property defined-Rule. 3111. Property seizable on search warrant-Rule. 3112. Search warrants for seizure of animals, birds or eggs. 3113. Liquor violations in Indian country. 3114. Return of seized property and suppression of evidence; motion-Rule. 3115. Inventory upon execution and return of search warrant-Rule. 3116. Records of examining magistrate; Return to clerk of court-Rule. § 3101. EFFECT OF RULES OF COURT-(RULE) SEE FEDERAL RULES OF CRIMINAL PROCEDURE Rules generally applicable throughout United States, Rule 54 Acts of Congress superseded, Rule 41 (g). § 3102. AUTHirORIT TO ISSUE SEARCH WARRAN--(RULE) SEE FEDERAL RULES OF CRIMINAL PROCEDURE Federal, State or Territorial Judges, or U. S . Commissioners authorized to issue search warrants, Rule 41 (a). § 3103. GROUNDS FOR ISSUING SEARCH WARRANT-(RULE) SEE FEDERAL RULES OF CRIMINAL PROCEDURE Grounds prescribed for issuance of search warrant, Rule 41 (b). § 3104. ISSUANCE OF SEARCH WARRANT; CONTNT TS--(RUL) SEE FEDERAL RULES OF CRIMINAL PROCEDURE Issuance of search warrant on affidavit; contents to Identify persons or place; command to search forthwith, Rule 41 (c). § 3105. PERSONS AUTHORIZED TO SERVE SEARCH WARRANT A search warrant may in all cases be served by any of the officers mentioned in its direction or by an officer authorized by law to serve such warrant, but by no other person, except in aid of the officer on his requiring it, he being present and acting in its execution. § 3106. OFFICER AUTHORIZED TO SERVE SEARCH WARRANT-(RULE) SEE FEDERAL RULES OF CRIMINAL PROCEDURE Officer to whom search warrant shall be directed, Rule 41 (c). § 3107. SERVICE OF WARRANTS AND SEIZURES BY FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION The Director, Assistant Directors, agents, and inspectors of the Federal Bureau of Investigation of the Department of Justice are empowered to make seizures under warrant for violation of the laws of the United States. § 3108. EXECUTION, SER AND IETUC IN-r - (RULE) SEE FEDERAL RULES OF CRIMINAL PROCEDURE Method and time for execution, service and return of search warrant, Rule 41 Cc), (d).