Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 1.djvu/870

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 645 -JUNE 25, 1948 Ante, p. 788. Ante, p . 802. Ante, pp. 761, 762. "Vessel." "Vehicle." § 3612. BRIBE MONEYS Moneys received or tendered in evidence in any United States Court, or before any officer thereof, which have been paid to or received by any official as a bribe, shall, after the final disposition of the case, proceeding or investigation, be deposited in the registry of the court to be disposed of in accordance with the order of the court, to be sub- ject, however, to the provisions of section 852 of Title 28. § 3613. FINES FOR SETTING GRASS AND TIMBER FIRES In all cases arising under sections 1855 and 1856 of this title the fines collected shall be paid into the public-school fund of the county in which the lands where the offense was committed are situated. § 3614. FINE FOR SEDUCTION When a person is convicted of a violation of section 2198 of this title and fined, the court may direct that the amount of the fine, when paid, be paid for the use of the female seduced, or her child, if she have any. § 3615. LIQUORS AND RELATED PROPERTY; DEFINITIONS All liquor involved in any violation of sections 1261-1265 of this title, the containers of such liquor, and every vehicle or vessel used in the transportation thereof, shall be seized and forfeited and such property or its proceeds disposed of in accordance with the laws relat- ing to seizures, forfeitures, and dispositions of property or proceeds, for violation of the internal-revenue laws. As used in this section, "vessel" includes every description of water- craft used, or capable of being used, as a means of transportation in water or in water and air; "vehicle" includes animals and every description of carriage or other contrivance used, or capable of being used, as a means of transportation on land or through the air. § 3616. USE OF CONFISCATED MOTOR VEIIICLES The Secretary of the Treasury may authorize the use by narcotic agents of motor vehicles confiscated under the provisions of section 3116 of Title 26 and sections 781-788 of Title 49 and pay the cost of acquisition, maintenance, repair, and operation thereof. § 3617. REMISSION OR MITIGATION OF FORFEITURES UNDER LIQUOR LAWS; POSSESSION PENDING TRIA--(a) JURISDICTION OF COURT Whenever, in any proceeding in court for the forfeiture, under the internal-revenue laws, of any vehicle or aircraft seized for a violation of the internal-revenue laws relating to liquors, such forfeiture is decreed, the court shall have exclusive jurisdiction to remit or mitigate the forfeiture. (b) CONDITIONS PRECEDENT TO REMISSION OR MITIGATION In any such proceeding the court shall not allow the claim of any claimant for remission or mitigation unless and until he proves (1) that he has an interest in such vehicle or aircraft, as owner or other- wise, which he acquired in good faith, (2) that he had at no time any knowledge or reason to believe that it was being or would be used in the violation of laws of the United States or of any State relating to liquor, and (3) if it appears that the interest asserted by the claimant arises out of or is in any way subject to any contract or agreement under which any person having a record or reputation for violating laws of the United States or of any State relating to liquor has a right with respect to such vehicle or aircraft, that, before such claimant acquired his interest, or such other person acquired his right under such con- tract or agreement, whichever occurred later, the claimant, his officer or agent, was informed in answer to his inquiry, at the headquarters of the sheriff, chief of police, principal Federal internal-revenue officer 840 [62 STAT.