Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 1.djvu/885

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855 - 62 STAT.] 80TIH ONG. , 2D SESS.-CH. 645 --JUNE 25, 1948 member thereof and within the maximum term or terms for which he was sentenced. The unexpired term of imprisonment of any such pris- oner shall begin to run from the date he is returned to the custody of the Attorney General under said warrant, and the time the prisoner was on parole shall not diminish the time he was sentenced to serve. § 4206. OFFICER EXECUTING WARRANT TO RETAKE PAROLE VIOLATOR Any officer of any Federal penal or correctional institution, or any Federal officer authorized to serve criminal process within the United States, to whom a warrant for the retaking of a parole violator is delivered, shall execute such warrant by taking such prisoner and returning him to the custody of the Attorney General. § 4207. REVOCATION UPON RETAKING PAROLEE A prisoner retaken upon a warrant issued by the Board of Parole, shall be given an opportunity to appear before the Board, a member thereof, or an examiner designated by the Board. The Board may then, or at any time in its discretion, revoke the order of parole and terminate such parole or modify the terms and conditions thereof. If such order of parole shall be revoked and the parole so terminated, the said prisoner may be required to serve all or any part of the remainder of the term for which he was sentenced. CHAPTIB 313.- -M E NT A DEFECTIVES Sec. 4241. Examination and transfer to hospital. 4242. Retransfer upon recovery. 4243. Delivery to state authorities. § 4241. EXAMINATION AND TRANSFER TO HOSPITAL A board of examiners for each Federal penal and correctional insti- tution shall consist of (1) a medical officer appointed by the warden or superintendent of the institution; (2) a medical officer appointed by the Attorney General; and (3) a competent expert in mental dis- eases appointed by the Surgeon General of the United States Public Health Service. Such board shall examine any inmate of the institution alleged to be insane or of unsound mind or otherwise defective and report their findings and the facts on which they are based to the Attorney General. The Attorney General, upon receiving such report, may direct the warden or superintendent or other official having custody of the prisoner to cause such prisoner to be removed to the United States hospital for defective delinquents or to any other institution authorized by law to receive insane persons charged with or convicted of offenses against the United States, there to be kept until, in the judgment of the superintendent of said hospital, the prisoner shall be restored to sanity or health or until the maximum sentence, without deduction for good time or commutation of sentence, shall have been served. § 4242. RETRANSFER UPON RECOVERY An inmate of the United States hospital for defective delinquents whose sanity or health is restored prior to the expiration of his sentence may be retransferred to any penal or correctional institution designated by the Attorney General, there to remain pursuant to the original sentence, computing the time of his detention or confinement in said hospital as part of the term of his imprisonment. § 4243. DELrVERY TO STATE AUTHORITIES ON EXPIRATION OF SENTENCE The superintendent of the United States hospital for defective delin- quents shall notify the proper authorities of the State, Territory, Dis- trict, or Possession where any insane prisoner has his legal residence, or, if this cannot be ascertained, the proper authorities of the State,