Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 1.djvu/931

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62 STAT.] 80rH CONG. , 2D SESS.-CH. 64 --JUNE 25, 1948 § 292. District judges (a) The chief judge of a circuit may designate and assign one or more district judges within the circuit to sit upon the court of appeals or a division thereof whenever the business of that court so requires. Such designations or assignments shall be in conformity with the rules or orders of the court of appeals of the circuit. (b) The chief judge of a circuit may, in the public interest, desig- nate and assign temporarily any district judge of the circuit to hold a district court in any district within the circuit. (c) The Chief Justice of the United States may designate and assign temporarily a district judge of one circuit for service in an- other circuit, either in a district court or court of appeals, upon pre- sentation of a certificate of necessity by the chief judge or circuit justice of the circuit wherein the need arises. § 293. Circuit or district judges to court of customs and patent appeals The Chief Justice of the United States may, upon presentation to him by the chief judge of the Court of Customs and Patent Appeals of a certificate of necessity, designate and assign temporarily any circuit or district judge to perform such duties as judge of the Court of Customs and Patent Appeals as he is willing to undertake. § 294. Assignment of retired justices or judges to active duty (a) Any retired Chief Justice of the United States or associate justice of the Supreme Court may be designated and assigned by the Chief Justice of the United States to perform such judicial duties in any circuit, including those of a circuit justice, as he is willing to undertake. (b) Any retired circuit or district judge may be designated and assigned to perform such judicial duties in any circuit as he is willing to undertake. Designation and assignment of such judge for service within his circuit shall be made by the chief judge or judicial council of the circuit. Designation and assignment for service elsewhere shall be made by the Chief Justice of the United States. (c) Any retired judge of any other court of the United States may be called upon by the chief judge of such court to perform such judicial duties in such court as he is willing to undertake. (d) No retired justice or judge shall perform judicial duties except when designated and assigned. § 295. Conditions upon designation and assignment No designation and assignment shall be made without the consent of the chief judge or judicial council of the circuit from which a judge is to be designated and assigned. All designations and assignments of justices and judges shall be filed with the clerks and entered on the minutes of the courts from and to which made. The Chief Justice of the United States, a circuit justice or a chief judge of a circuit may make new designations and assignments in accordance with the provisions of this chapter, and may revoke those previously made by him. § 296. Powers upon designation and assignment A justice or judge shall discharge, during the period of his designa- tion and assignment, all judicial duties for which he is designated and assigned. He may be required to perform any duty which might be required of a judge of the court or district or circuit to which he is designated and assigned. Such justice or judge shall have all the powers of a judge of the court, circuit or district to which he is designated and assigned, except 901