Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 1.djvu/987

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62 STAT.] 80rT CONG. , 2D SESS.-CH. 646 -JUNE 25, 1948 957 $5 on discontinuance of a civil action; $5 on motion for judgment and other proceedings on recog- nizances; $2.50 for each deposition admitted in evidence. (b) The docket fees of United States attorneys shall be paid to the clerk of court and by him paid into the Treasury. (c) In admiralty appeals the court may allow as costs for printing the briefs of the successful party not more than: $25 where the amount involved is not over $1,000; $50 where the amount involved is not over $5,000; $75 where the amount involved is over $5,000. § 1924. Verification of bill of costs Before any bill of costs is taxed, the party claiming any item of cost or disbursement shall attach thereto an affidavit, made by him- self or by his duly authorized attorney or agent having knowledge of the facts, that such item is correct and has been necessarily in- curred in the case and that the services for which fees have been charged were actually and necessarily performed. § 1925. Admiralty and maritime cases Except as otherwise provided by Act of Congress, the allowance and taxation of costs in admiralty and maritime cases shall be pre- scribed by rules promulgated by the Supreme Court. § 1926. Court of Customs and Patent Appeals Fees and costs in the Court of Customs and Patent Appeals shall be fixed by a table of fees adopted by such court and approved by the Supreme Court. The fees and costs so fixed shall not, with respect to any item, exceed the fees and costs charged in the Supreme Court, and shall be accounted for and paid over to the Treasury. § 1927. Counsel's liability for excessive costs Any attorney or other person admitted to conduct cases in any court of the United States or any Territory thereof who so multiplies the proceedings in any case as to increase costs unreasonably and vexatiously may be required by the court to satisfy personally such excess costs. § 1928. Patent infringement action; disclaimer not filed Whenever a judgment is rendered for the plaintiff in any patent infringement action involving a part of a patent and it appears that the patentee, in his specifications, claimed to be, but was not, the original and first inventor or discoverer of any material or substantial part of the thing patented, no costs shall be included in such judg- ment, unless the proper disclaimer has been filed in the Patent Office prior to the commencement of the action. § 1929. Extraordinaryexpenses not expressly authorized Where the ministerial officers of the United States incur extra- ordinary expense in executing Acts of Congress, the payment of which is not specifically provided for, the Attorney General may allow the payment thereof. CHAPTER 125-JUDGMENTS Sec. 1961. Interest. 1962. Lien. 1963. Registration in other districts § 1961 Interest Interest shall be allowed on any money judgment in a civil case re- covered in a district court. Execution therefor may be levied by the