Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 2.djvu/1051

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [62 STAT. 62 Stat., Pt. , p. 137. Ante, p. 2328 . Gorerm-nit of the United Staten of America ay need to dterine the nature ana ecope of operations Urder the Econonio Cooperation Act of 1948, and to e*aluate the effectivenesa of asristace furnished or conteplbated under this Agreemant and generally the progresr of the joint recovery progra. 3. The Govornat of Grece .11 assist the Governnt of the United States of America to obtain inforation relating to the materls originating in Greece referred to in Article V bioh is necesry to the fomalation and exocution of the arragement pmroided or in that Article. 2336