Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 2.djvu/1055

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [62 STAT. 61 Stat. , Pt. 3, p. 2907. Special Mission as equivalent of Ameri- can Mission for Aid to Greece. Discharge of desig- nated U. . respons- bilities in Greece. 61 Stat., Pt. 3, p. 2907. Arhtici e (MissilS) 1. The overmnent of Greeee agrees to recelve a Special lissloa for Boeonaie Cooperation which will discharge the reaponsiltbltios of the Goveramet of the United States of America In Greece auder this Agreement, and may discharge such of the respoasibllties of a non- mlUtiry character of the Government of the United States of America in Oreece snder the Agreement of June 20, 1947, as ny be ocided by the Ooverment of the United States of Amerioa. ln the discharge of such responsibilities under the Agreement of Juno 20, 1947, such Spoeial Misslon shall be regarded as the equivalent of the Americo Mission for Aid to Greeeo, insofar as ictivities in connection with the furnishing ef ona-rlitary assistance are ooncerned, for the purposes of the said Agremnat of Jne 20, 1947, and for the purposes of prcesntly existing private contracts and presently existing agreements, contracts and legislative *ad execstive aetion of the Ooverment of Oreece persmant to the said Agreement of June 20. 1947. 2. setpoalibilitles In Oreece of the Ooverment ef the bnitet States of Amerlea uder the Agreement of Jue 20, 1947 which are not by decsiele of the Oovernment of the Uni Stted States of America ac od for discharge by the Special clssion for Eeonnaio Cooperatlio will conttino to be disoharged by the Amerilan Mlissie for Aid to Oreoea. S. bie Covernment of Greece agrees to eonsider the Special lisslco and its psrsonnel. and the Uilted States Special Aeprseutctivc in arepe. a a part of the Ameriean iseeies for Aid to Greece fer the pupos of enjoeing the privileges ad I-lntiles aeeorid te the