Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 2.djvu/1205

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2494 INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [62 STAT. delivery of a fair share of materials originating in the Netherlands which are required by the United States'of America as a result of deficiencies qr potential deficiencies in its own resources at world market prices so as to protect the access of United States industry to an equitable share of such materials either in percentages of production or in absolute quantities from'the,(b) arrangements providing suitable protection for the right of access for any citizen of the United States of America or any corporation, partnership, or other association created under the laws of the United States of America or of any State or territory thereof and substantially beneficially owned by citizens of the United States of-America, . in the development of such materials on terms of treatment equivalent to those afforded to the nationals of the Netherlands,'and, (c) an agreed schedule of increased production of such materials where practicable in the Netherlands and for delivery of an agreed percentage of such increased production to be transferred to the United States of America on a long-term basis in consideration of assistance furnished by the United States of America under this Agreement. 3. The Government of the Netherlands, when so requested by the Government of the United States of America, will cooperate, wherever appropriate, to further the objectives of paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article in respect of materials originating outside of the Netherlands. Article VI (Travel Arrangements and Relief Supplies) 1. The Governnent of the Netherlands wilx cooperate with the Government of the United States of America in facilitating and encouraging the promotion and development of travel by citizens of the United States of America to and within participating countries. Ante, p. 2490. 2. The Government of the Netherlands will, when so desired by the Government of the United states of America, enter into negotiations for agreements (including the provision of duty-free treatment under appropriate safeguards) to facilitate the entry into the Netherlands of supplies of relief goods donated to or purchased by United States voluntary non-profit relief agencies and of relief packages originating in the United States of America and consigned to individuals residing in the Netherlands.