Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 2.djvu/1255

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [62 STAT. Desiring to set forth the under- standings which govern the fur- nishing of assistance by the Govern- ment of the United States of America under the Economic Cooperation Act of 1948, the receipt of such assis- tance by Sweden, and the measures which the two Governments will take individually and together in further- ing the recovery of Sweden as an in- tegral part of the joint program'for European recovery; Have agreed as follows: Article I (Assistance and COoperation) 1. The Government of the United States of America undertakes to assist Sweden, by making available to the Government of Sweden or to any person, agency or organization designated by the latter Government such assistance as may be requested by it and approved by the Government of the United States of America. The Government of the United States of America will furnish this assistance under the provisions, and subject to all of the terms, conditions and termination pro- visions, of the Sconomic Cooperation Act of 1948, acts amendatory and supplementary thereto and appropria- tion acts thercander, and will make available to the Government of Sweden only' such commodities, services and other assistance as are authorized to be made available by such acts. som vilja redovisa de bverens- komna riktlinjerna far den hjalp, som lamnas av F3renta Staternas regering enligt 1948 ars lag om ekonomiskt samarbete respektive mottages av Sverige, samt de at- garder soa de tva regeringarna skola vidtaga.var fSr sig och ge- mensamt far att frimja Sveriges ekononis'a Aterhaimtning sAsom en oskiljbar del av det gemensamma europeiska ateruppbyggnad sprogram- met; hava 3verenskommit on fbljande: Artikel I (BistAnd och samarbete) 1. 'Fdrenta Staternas regering utfaster sig att bista Sverige genon att stalla till ftrfogande fSr Sveriges regering eller ftr varje person, myndighet eller or- ganisation, som asvisas av. sist- namnda regering, sadant bistand, varom framstallning ma grras av denna och som godkdnts av Forenta Staternas reeering. FPrenta Sta- te'nas regering kommer att ladna detta bist&nd enligt de bestammel- ser och pa alla 'de villkor, forut- sottningar och bestatmielser rbrande bist&ndets upphorande, som glla enligt 1948 Are lag om ekonomiskt samarbete jamte tilliggs-, andrings- och anslagsforfattningar, samt kom- mer att stalla till Sveriges re- gerings .f6rfogande endast s&dana varor, tjanster och annat bistand, som mA lamnas enligt sagda lag och forfattningar. 2544 62 Stat., Pt. 1, p. 137.