Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 2.djvu/1269

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [62 STAT. and presentation of claims based upon alleged violations by either Government of rights and duties arising under treaties, agreements or principles of international law. 2. The Governmeets of the United States of America and Sweden further agree that such claims may be referred, in lieu of the Court, to any arbitral tribunal mutually agreed upon. 3. It is further understood that neither Government vwi espouse a claim pursuant to this Article until its national has exhausted the reme- dies available to him in the admin- istrative and judicial tribunals of the country in which the claim arose. Article X (Definitions) As used in this Agreement the term "participating country" means (a) any country which signed the Report of the Committee of European Easnon* Cooperation at Paris on Septeaber t,. 1947, and territories for whlti it hss in- ternational responBltlilty and to whioh the Economic Cooperation Agreement conoluded between that country and the Government of the United States of America has been applied, and tuellt fdreliggande rattigheter att hanvanda sig till Internatio- nella domstolen eller pa ratten att omfatta och framfora ansprak, grundade pa pAstadda brott av endera regeringen mot rAttigheter och skyldigheter enligt avtal, 6verenskommelset eller internatio- nella rattsprinciper. 2. PFrenta Staternas och Sve- riges regeringar samtycka vidare till att sadana ansprAk i stdllet fbr till domstolen ma hanskjutas till varje annan skiljedomstol varom overenskommelse traffats. 3. Det Sr vidare underforstatt att ingendera regeringen skall om- fatta ett ansprak enligt denna ar- tikel forran dess medborgare ut- tomt de rattsmedel, som sta honom till buds hos de administrativa och judiciella domstolarna i det land, ddr anspraket uppkom. Artikel X (Definitioner) I denna overenskommelse menas med uttrycket "deltagande land" a) varje land, som underteok- kommittens for europeiskt ekonomiskt seamarpete rapport den 22 september 1947 I PrFis, jimte territorier fr vilka landet bar internatloneilt ansvar och for vllka overenskommelsen angaende ekonomiskt samarbete mellan ve- derbUrande land och FPrenta Sta- ternas regering tillampas, eamt 2558 Post, p. 2565. "Participating country".