Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 2.djvu/1357

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INDEX Thailand. See Siam. Page Thanksgiving Day, 1948, proclamation_ 1573 Thomas, Benjamin Alvin, pardon of ----- 1461 Thomas, Clarence Alfred, pardon of----- 1461 Thomas, Claude T., payment to ------- 133 Thomas, Fred, pardon of ---------__ _ 1461 Thomas, Hazel S., payment to estate of- 1339 Thomas, Jenness C., payment to ------- 1403 Thomas, Nathaniel, pardon of --------- 1461 Thompson, Cecil M., pardon of ------- 1461 Thompson, Edgar Houston Darr, pardon of ----------------------------- 1461 Thompson, Edwin Edgar, pardon of -__- 1461 Thompson, James William, pardon of -- 1461 Thompson, Leon, pardon of---------- _ 1461 Thompson, Lydia A., consideration of claim ------------ _--_- -------- _ 1406 Thompson, Marshall Neal, pardon of --- 1461 Thompson, Mrs. W. D., payment to ---- 1324 Thompson, William O., payment to --- - 1324 Tibbs, Clarence, pardon of----- ------- 1461 Tilegan, Mike, pardon of -- _---------- 1461 Tiller, Perry Lee, pardon of ----------- 1461 Tillquist, Edward Brooks, pardon of ---- 1461 Timmons, Harold Lee, pardon of. -- - -- -- 1461 Todd, Mrs. Cletns E. (formerly Laura Estelle Ritter), admission for perma- nent residence ------------------ _ 1358 Toll Rates, Panama Canal. See Panama Canal Toll Rates. Tommy, Solomon A., payment to------- 1408 Tono, Jack Kiyoto, pardon of----------- 1461 Tootle, James Douglas, pardon of------- 1461 Towns, John Derry, pardon of -------- 1461 Towns, Samuel B., pardon of ---------- 1461 Towns, Samuel C., pardon of ----------- 1461 Townsend, Earl, pardon of ------------ 1461 Townsend's Inc., Millsboro, Del., pay- ment to ------------------------ . 1383 Trade Agreement Proclamations, Termi- nation of: Belgium (Belgo-Luxemburg Economic Union) ----------------------- 1464 Brazil --------------------------- 1547 Canada -------------------------- 1464 France (French Republic) ---------- -1 464 Netherlands --- _-- ----- ------ ------ - 1464 United Kingdom ------------------- 1464 Trade Agreement With Cuba, Exclusive, Oct. 30, 1947, proclamation -------- 1465 Supplementary proclamations--------- 1479, 1500, 1505, 1515, 1520, 1528 Trade-Mark Registrations: Extension of time for renewing, procla- mation- Austria ------------------------ 1559 Belgium ------------------------ 1525 Czechoslovakia ------------------ 1550 Denmark ---------------------- 1478 Trade-Mark Registrations-Continued Extension of time for renewing, procla- mation-Continued Norway---------- _ _- _ __ .- _ __ __ _- Philippines---_---------__----_ Transjordan, International Office of Pub- lic Health, protocol respecting----- Travers, Howard K., payment to----- _ _ . Treasury Department, payments to cer- tain officers and employees for per- sonal property losses ---------- Treaties. See also International Agree- ments Other Than Treaties. Denmark, double taxation and taxes on income ----------------- __ -- _-- Inter-American- Coffee Agreement, modification and extension-- ----------- __ Reciprocal assistance, treaty of----- Multilateral- Agriculture, International Institute of, transfer of functions and assets to Food and Agriculture Organi- zation, United Nations -------- Labor Organization, International, Final Articles Revision Conven- tion, 1946 --------------- Narcotic drugs, amendments to pro- tocol of Dec. 11, 1946, proclama- tion of entry into force------- Public Health, International Office of, performance of functions and duties by World Health Organi- zation ---------------- __- Sugar, regulation of production and marketing, prolongation of agree- ment of May 6, 1937--------- Whaling, regulation of- International convention, Dec. 2, 1946 ------------------- Protocol of Nov. 26, 1945, exten- sion ----------------------- Netherlands, double taxation and taxes on income--------------------- Norway, claims, Hannevig against United States, and Jones against Norway, convention respecting---- Philippines, consular officers, conven- tion respecting -------------- Treaties and Other International Acts Series. See Treaties; International Agreements Other Than Treaties; also Part 3 of this volume. Trevino, Dionisio R., admission for per- manent residence - --------------- Trimble, James Milton, pardon of------- Trombino, Salvadore A., pardon of------ Trpisovsky, Joseph, jurisdiction of Court to hear claim-------------------- Trujillo, Selso, payment to-- --------- 1318 Page 1476 1512 1604 1314 1338 1730 1658 1681 1581 1672 1796 1604 1654 1716 1577 1757 1798 1593 1359 1461 1461 1376 CXCVII Luxembourg ---------------------- 1476