Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 2.djvu/189

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62 STAT.] PROCLAMATIONS-JAN . 1 , 1948 1467 sons interested in the negotiation thereof were received and considered; WHEREAS (5), after seeking and obtaining information and advice with respect thereto from the United States Tariff Commission, the Departments of State, Agriculture, Commerce, the Army, and the Navy, and from other sources, on October 30, 1947 I entered, through my duly empowered Plenipotentiary, into an exclusive trade agree- ment with the Government of the Republic of Cuba, which exclusive 61 Stat., Pt. 4, trade agreement, as supplemented by an exchange of notes between p' the Acting Secretary of State of the United States of America and the Ambassador of the Republic of Cuba, signed December 19 and 22, 1947, by two exchanges of letters between the Acting Chairman of the 61 Stat., Pt. 4, United States Delegation to the Second Session of the Preparatory P Committee for the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employ- ment and the President of the Cuban Delegation thereto, signed October 30, 1947, by a memorandum of October 28, 1947 from the 61 stat., Pt. 4, Cuban Delegation, and by two memoranda of October 30, 1947 from P61' stat. , Pt. 4, the Cuban Delegation, in the English and Spanish languages, is PP. 37093711 annexed to this proclamation; WHEREAS (6) the provisions of numbered paragraph 2 of said exclusive trade agreement providing for the application to products of 61 Stat-, Pt. 4, the Republic of Cuba of portions of schedule XX of the General 700 Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, dated October 30, 1947, and of article 61 Stat., Pt. 5, 17 of the Draft Charter for an International Trade Organization rec- ommended by the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment [1] make those portions of said schedule, and all other provisions of said general agreement and of the Protocol of Provisional Application thereof which relate to the 61 Stat. , Pt. 6, schedule or to the concessions therein, and said article 17 a part of said exclusive trade agreement insofar as they apply to products of the Republic of Cuba; WHEREAS (7) part II of, and the general notes in, said schedule XX of the general agreement, which are thus made a part of said ex- 61 Stat., Pt. 5, elusive trade agreement, are annexed to this proclamation; WHEREAS (8) I determine that the rates of duty and import tax Post, pp. 1485, 1502, specified in the column at the right of the respective descriptions of 156 ',1 22 ' products in the following list are maximum rates which may be applied to such products of the Republic of Cuba under subparagraph (e) of numbered paragraph 2 of said exclusive trade agreement: ,6 372tat. , Pt. 4, Tariff Act of 1930, Description of Products Rate of Duty paragraph 46 Stat. 590. paragraph 19 U. . c.. 1001 ct eeq. 717 (b) Fish, fresh or frozen (whether or not packed in ice), filleted, skinned, boned, sliced, or divided into portions, not specially pro- vided for: Cod, haddock, hake, pollock, cusk, and rosefish...................... 1I0 per lb. 806 (a) Naranjilla (solanum quitoense lam) sirup, not specially provided for, containing less than one-half of 1 per centum of alcohol...... 42¢ per gal. 1003 Twist, twine, and cordage, bleached, dyed, or otherwise treated, composed of two or more jute yarns or rovings twisted to- gether, the size of the single yarn or roving of which is coarser than twenty-pound... 5.40 per lb. 1007 Hose, suitable for conducting liquids or gases, wholly or in chief value of vegetable fiber. 15.6# per lb. and 12% ___ ad val. [Department of State publication 2927, p. 17.]