Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 2.djvu/192

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PROCLAMATIONS-JAN. 1, 1948 Tariff Act of 1930, Description of Products Bate of Duty paragraph Post, p. 1503. 412 Manufactures of wood or bark, or of which wood or bark is the component material of chief value, not specially provided for (ex- cept brush backs, spools wholly of wood suitable for thread, laminated wallboard, and products described in item 412 (sixth) of Part I of Schedule XX of the General 61 Stat. , Pt. 5, Agreement on Tariffs and Trade in respect . A1223. of which a rate of duty of 15 per centum ad valorem, 16/3 per centum ad valorem, or 10 per centum ad valorem is specified): Clothespins other than spring clothes- pins ............................ Other ............................ . Post, pp. 1486,1488. 506 Sugar candy and all confectionery not specially provided for, valued at less than six cents per pound .................... 506 Sugar after being refined, when tinctured, colored, or in any way adulterated....... Post, pp. 1486, 1488. 61 Stat., Pt. 5, p. A1352 . Post, p. 1523. Post, pp. 1486 , 1488 . Post.p. 1530. Post, p. 1523 . Post, p. 1508. Post, p. 1530 . Post, p . 1509. 703 Pork (except bacon, hams, and shoulders), if cooked, boned, packed in airtight con- tainers, or made into sausages of any kind. 717 (c) Fish, dried and unsalted (except cod, had- dock, hake, pollock, and cusk)......... 724 Corn or maize, including cracked corn..... 724 Corn grits, meal, and flour, and similar products............................ 727 Milled rice (bran removed, all or in part)... 739 Orange, grapefruit, lemon, and shaddock or pomelo peel, candied, crystallized, or glace, or otherwise prepared or preserved. . 739 Citrons or citron peel, candied, crystallized, or glace, or otherwise prepared or pre- served ............................ 743 Lemons.............................. 743 Oranges .. ........................... 747 Pineapples in bulk ................... 752 Bananas, dried, desiccated, or evaporated ... 758 Coconut meat, shredded and desiccated, or similarly prepared . ................. 759 Peanuts, not shelled................... 759 Peanut butter ........................... 761 Cashew nuts, shelled or unshelled.......... 761 Edible nuts, pickled or otherwise prepared or preserved, and not specially provided for. 762 Oil-bearing seeds and materials: Castor beans........................ 765 Beans, other than lima beans, green or un- ripe, not specially provided for......... 765 Beans, dried, not specially provided for.... 765 Beans, not specially provided for, not in brine, but otherwise prepared or preserved in any manner...................... 772 774 Tomatoes, prepared or preserved in any manner.......................... Peppers in their natural state........ ... 20% ad val. 26%% ad val. 32% ad val. 32% ad val. but not less than Y of the rate of duty provided for sugar of the same polariscopic test in item 501 of Part II of Schedule XX of the General Agree- ment on Tariffs and Trade 2.64 per lb. %f per lb. 100 per bu. of 56 lb. 40¢ per 100 lb. 24 per lb. 6.40 per lb. 4.84 per lb. 24 per lb. % per lb. 0.486 each 14% ad val. 2.80 per lb. 3.40 per lb. 5.64 per lb. 1.6¢ per lb. 28% ad val. 1/5¢ per lb. 1.5¢ per lb. 2.40 per lb. 2.40 per lb. on the entire contents of the con- tainer 20% ad val. 1.2* per lb. [62 STAT.