Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 2.djvu/208

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PROCLAMATIONS-JAN. 30, 1948 [62 STAT. Tariff Act of 1930, Description of Products Rate of Duty paragraph 211 Earthenware and crockery ware-Continued Plates of the diameters specified above, cups, and saucers; each of the fore- going which is valued at not less than the minimum value specified above for the like article and is composed of a nonvitrified absorbent body wholly of clay and artificially colored ... 226 Ground and polished plano or coquille glasses (except spectacle and eyeglass lenses), wholly or partly manufactured, with the edges unground, valued at $10 or more per dozen pairs ............. 368 (c) Parts provided for in paragraph 368 (c) (6), (6) Tariff Act of 1930, if for any of the follow- ing articles which are valued at more than $10 each: Ships' logs, standard marine chronometers having spring-detent escape- ments, and depth-sounding mechanisms, devices, and instruments. ....... 1527 (c) Articles provided for in paragraph 1527 (c) (2) (2), Tariff Act of 1930, valued above $5 per dozen pieces, and parts thereof: Parts valued at less than 20 cents per dozen............. Mesh bags; parts of mesh bags if the parts are valued at 20 cents or more per dozen; and parts of cigar and cigarette lighters if the parts are valued at 20 cents or more, but not above $5, per dozen; all the fore- going .............. 1527 (c) Parts of articles provided for in paragraph (2) 1527 (c) (2), Tariff Act of 1930, if the articles are valued above $5 per dozen pieces (except parts of cigar and cigarette lighters and parts of mesh bags): Parts valued at 20 cents or more, but not above $5, per dozen .. . . . .. .. ... 120 per doz. pieces and 36% ad val. 30% ad val. 39% ad val. %Seach and 30 % ad val. 78% ad val. 78% ad val.; WHEREAS (12) I determine that, in view of the determination . tne, p. 144, set forth in the 8th recital of this proclamation, the deletion of the first item 506 and item 752 from the list set forth in the 9th recital of Ante, p .1470. said proclamation of January 1, 1948 is required or appropriate to carry out said exclusive trade agreement specified in the 3rd recital inte, p. 1480. of this proclamation; WHEREAS (13) the figure and word "% of" appearing between the words "than" and "the" in the rate of duty specified in the second Ante, p. 1470. item 506 in the 9th recital of said proclamation of January 1, 1948 (13 F. R. 24) were inadvertently included therein, and I determine that the deletion of said figure and word "%of" from the rate of duty specified in said second item 506 is required or appropriate to carry Ante, p. 14s. out said exclusive trade agreement specified in the 3rd recital of this proclamation on and after January 1, 1948; WHEREAS (14) item 1527 (a) (2) in said 9th recital of the procla- Ante, p. 1472. mation of January 1, 1948 (13 F. R. 25) was inadvertently misstated in some respects, and I determine that it is required or appropriate to carry out said exclusive trade agreement specified in the 3rd recital of this proclamation that the number of said item 1527 (a) (2) in the 9th recital be changed to "1527 (c) (2)", that there be inserted in the description of products in said item after the word "except" the words and figure "parts of articles valued above $5 per dozen pieces and other", that a final parenthesis be placed after the last word in 1486 Post, p. 1502.