Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 2.djvu/265

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t6- 3TAT.] PROCLAMATIONS-JULY 29, 1948 1543 § 1.5 Taking of certain migratory nongame birds by Eskimos and Indians in Alaska. In Alaska, Eskimos and Indians may take, in any manner and at any time, and may possess and transport, auks, auklets, guillemots, murres, and puffins and their eggs and skins for use of themselves and their immediate families for food and clothing. § 1.6 Shipment, transportationand possession of certain migratory game birds-(a) Transportation in or out of Alaska, Puerto Rico and the United States. Migratory game birds and parts thereof, which if dressed have the head, head plumage, and feet attached, and which have been lawfully taken therein, may be transported in or out of Alaska, Puerto Rico, or the State where taken during its respective open season; provided, that the number of such birds permitted to be transported out of any such State, Alaska, or Puerto Rico during any one calendar week shall not exceed for one person the number per- mitted by § 1.4 of this subchapter to be in the possession of one person Ate, p. 538 . where taken; provided further, that nothing herein contained shall authorize such transportation to any other flyway in excess of the possession limits prescribed for such other flyway. Any such birds or parts thereof transported from Alaska, Puerto Rico, or any State not later than 48 hours following the close of the open season therein may continue in transit for such additional time immediately after shipment, not to exceed 5 days, as is necessary to deliver them to their destination. Any package in which such birds or parts thereof are transported shall have the name and address of the shipper and of the consignee and an accurate statement of the numbers and kinds of birds or parts thereof contained therein clearly and conspicuously marked on the outside thereof. (b) Importations from Canada, Mexico, or other foreign country. Migratory game birds of species on which open seasons are prescribed by § 1.4 of this subchapter, and parts thereof, which if dressed have the head, head plumage, and feet attached, and which have been lawfully taken and possessed in and exported from a foreign country may be transported into the United States, Alaska or Puerto Rico during the open seasons where taken; provided, that shipments from Mexico must be accompanied by a Mexican export permit and ship- ments from Canada must be accompanied by tags or permits if re- quired by provincial or dominion law; and, Providedfurther, that the number of such migratory game birds permitted to be so imported during any one calendar week shall not exceed for one person the number permitted to be in the possession of one person in Alaska, Puerto Rico, the District of Columbia, or the State to which they are being transported. Any such birds or parts thereof transported from Canada or Mexico not later than 5 days immediately following the open season where taken may continue in transit for such additional time im- mediately after shipment, not to exceed 5 days, as is necessary to deliver them to their destination. Any package in which such birds or parts thereof are transported shall have the name and address of the shipper and of the consignee and an accurate statement of the numbers and kinds of birds or parts thereof therein contained clearly and conspicuously marked on the outside thereof. (c) Possession. Within the possession limits prescribed by § 1.4 of this subchapter, migratory game birds, either taken within a State or transported or imported in accordance with the provisions of sub- sections (a) or (b) of this section, may be possessed in any State, Alaska, or Puerto Rico during the open season where taken and for an additional 90 days next succeeding said open season; and in the case of the District of Columbia, may be possessed during the open season and in numbers not exceeding the possession limits prescribed __ _ __ _