Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 2.djvu/305

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62 STAT.] MULTILATERAL-INSTITUTE OF AGRICULTUREMAR. 30, 1946 1583 permanent de l'Institut notifiera imm6diatement tous les Membres de l'Institut, par lettre circulaire, de la dissolution de l'Institut (le Centre y compris) et du transfert de ses fonctions et de ses biens A l'Organisation. La date de cette notification sera consideree comme la date de la terminaison de la Con- vention du 7 juin 1905, et comme celle de la dissolution de l'Institut (le Centre y compris). ARTICLE IV Apres qu'il aura ete mis fin aux activit6s de l'Institut (le Centre y compris), les pouvoirs, droits ou attributions confer6s A l'Institut par les dispositions des Conven- tions internationales enum6r6es A l'Annexe au present Protocole, incomberont a l'Organisation; et les parties A ce Prctocole qui sont parties aux dites Conventions devront executer les dispositions susmentionnees, dans la mesure oh elles resteront en vigueur, A tous egares comme si elles visaient l'Organisation au lieu de l'Institut. Committee of the Institute shall forthwith, by circular letter, notify the Members of the Institute of the dissolution of the Institute (including the Center) and of the transfer of the functions and assets thereof to the Organization. The date of such notification shall be deemed to be the date of the termination of the Convention of June 7, 1905, and also the date of the dissolution of the Institute (including the Center). ['] ARTICLE IV Upon bringing to an end the affairs of the Institute (including the Center) the powers, rights or duties attributed to it by the pro- visions of the International Con- ventions listed in the Annex of this protocol, shall devolve upon the Organization; and the parties to this Protocol which are parties to the said conventions shall ex- ecute such provisions, insofar as they remain in force, in all respects as though they refer to the Organ- ization in place of the Institute. ARTICLE V Les Membres de l'Institut qul ne sont pas signataires du present Protocole peuvent y acceder A tout moment en notifiant leur accession par ecrit au Directeur general de l'Organisation, qui en informera tous les Gouvernements signataires et adherents. ARTICLE V Any Member of the Institute which is not a signatory to this Protocol may at any time accede to this Protocol by sending a writ- ten notice of accession to the Di- rector General of the Organiza- tion, who shall inform all signatory and acceding Governments of such accession. Accessons. I By letter No. 43069, dated Feb. 27, 1948, the President of the International Institute of Agriculture forwarded to the Secretary of State the Final Act of the Permanent Committee, dated Rome, 27 Feb. 1948, which reads in part: "By the terms of Art. III of the said Protocol, the Permanent Committee herewith gives notice to all the Member States of the Institute, and consequently to your Government of the dissolution of the Institute (including the Centre). The date of this Final Act is deemed to be the date of the termination of the Convention of June 7, 1905 and of the dissolution of IIA and IFC." 35 Stat. 1918. Devolving of pow- ers, etc., upon Organ- ization. Post, p. 1589 .