Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 2.djvu/521

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NORWAY-CLAIMS-MAR. 28 , 1940 The President of the United States of America: Cordell Hull, Secretary of State of the United States of America; and His Majesty the King of Norway: Wilhelm Munthe Morgenstierne, Envoy Extraordinary and Min- ister Plenipotentiary of Norway to the United States of America; Who, having communicated to each other their respective full pow- ers, found in good and due form, have agreed upon the following articles: ARTICLE I First. Within one year from the date of the exchange of ratifica- tions of this convention, the Agent for the Government of Norway shall present to the Agent for the Government of the United States of America a Memorial or a statement of claim in which shall be set forth in a clear, categorical and full manner: (a) the precise items of alleged loss or damage composing the claim on behalf of Christoffer Hannevig as they are finally conceived to be by the Government of Norway, indicating definitely the amount of each separate item thereof; (b) the facts alleged in support of each such item of the claim; (c) the principles of law upon which each item of the claim is alleged to rest. Such Memorial shall be accompanied by all the evidence upon which all items of the claim are made to rest, it being clearly understood that no further evidence may be submitted in support of the claim, either during the stage hereinafter provided for its diplomatic con- sideration or during its possible adjudication, except such rebuttal evidence as is referred to hereinafter. Second. Within one year from the date of the receipt by the Agent for the Government of the United States of America of the Memorial of the Government of Norway, he shall present to the Agent for the latter an Answer to the Memorial, in which shall be set out, in a sinm- ilarly clear, categorical and full manner: (a) the defenses of the Government of the United States of Amer- ica to each item of the claim; (b) the facts upon which such defenses rest; (c) the principles of law relied upon in each instance. To such Answer there shall be attached all of the evidence upon which the defense of the case shall be made to rest and no further evi- dence shall be filed in defense, either during the stage of diplomatic consideration or during a possible adjudication of the claim, except such rebuttal evidence as is referred to hereinafter. Third. Within six months from the date of the receipt of the An- swer of the Government of the United States of America, the Agent for the Government of Norway may, if he so desires, file a Reply to such Answer. In such Reply the Government of Norway, without being allowed to augment or change any of the bases of the claim as Memorial or state- ment of claim by Gov- ernment of Norway. Alnswer to Memo- rial. Reply to Answer. 62 STAT.] 1799