Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 2.djvu/539

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62 STAT.] BURMA-EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION-DEC. 22 , 1947 to any currency of the Burmese Government received hereunder and held by the treasurer of the United States of America or by the Foundation by undertaking to pay to the Government of the United States of America such amounts of currency of the Government of Burma to maintain the dollar value of such currency of the Govern- ment of Burma as is held by the treasurer of the United States or the Foundation. The purpose of this provision is to assure that the operations of the Foundation will not be interrupted or restricted by any deficits resulting from alterations in the above rate of ex- change or from currency conversions. The Secretary of State of the United States of America will make available to the Foundation Burmese Currency in such amounts as may be required by the Foundation, but in no event in excess of the budgetary limitation established pursuant to Article 3 of the present agreement. Article 12 Furniture, equipment, supplies, and any other articles intended for the official use of the Foundation shall be exempt in the territory of Burma from customs duties, excises, and surtaxes, and every other form of taxation. All funds and other property used for the purposes of the Founda- tion, and all official acts of the Foundation within the scope of its purposes shall likewise be exempt from taxation of every kind in the territory of Burma. Article 13 The Government of Burma shall extend to citizens of the United States of America residing in Burma and engaged in educational activities under the auspices of the Foundation such privileges with respect to exemption from taxation, and other burdens affecting the entry, travel, and residence of such persons as are extended to Burmese citizens residing in the United States of America engaged in similar activities. Article 14 Wherever, in the present agreement, the term "Secretary of State of the United States of America" is used, it shall be understood to mean the Secretary of State of the United States of America or any officer or employee of the Government of the United States of America designated by him to act in his behalf. Article 15 (1) The present agreement may be amended by the exchange of diplomatic notes between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of Burma. (2) If any difference arises in regard to the interpretation of any article of or expression in this agreement, the parties to the agreement shall settle such difference by direct negotiations through diplomatic channels. 1819 Ante, p. 1816 . Tax exemptions. "Secretary of State of the United States of America." Amendment, inter- pretation. etc.