Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 2.djvu/665

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [62 STAT. to them to put into effect the opin- ion expressed in any such report. ARTICLE 12 This agreement, including the provisions of the Annex hereto, will come into force immediately after its approval in conformity with the laws of the respective countries. ['] In witness whereof, the under- signed, being duly authorized by their respective Governments, have signed the present agreement. Done at Asunci6n this twenty- eighth day of February, 1947. LESLIE E REI FEDERICO CHj todos los esfuerzos a su alcance para llevar a efecto las recomendaciones que se les expresen. ARTICULO 12 El presente Acuerdo, incluyendo las disposiciones de su Anexo, en- trar, en vigor inmediatamente des- pu6s de su aprobaci6n de conformi- dad a las leyes de los respectivos paises. En testimonio de lo cual, los infrascritos, debidamente autori- zados por sus respectivos Gobiernos, firman el presente Acuerdo, en Asunci6n del Paraguay a los veinte y ocho dias del mes de febrero del afio mil novecientos cuarenta y siete. iD [SEAL] AVES [SEAL] I By note S.T . no. 16 of Feb. 17, 1948, the Paraguayan Minister of Foreign Rela- tions and Worship notified the American Ambassador at Asunci6n that the Paraguayan Government, "by Decree-Law No. 24,967 of February 16 of the current year, has approved and ratified the Air Transport Agreement" (translation). In his reply, note no. 22 of Feb. 19, 1948, to the Paraguayan Minister of Foreign Relations and Worship, the American Ambassador declared: ". . . my Government considers that the signature affixed to the Agreement on its behalf constitutes the approval of the Agreement by the Government of the United States of America." Entry into force.