Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 2.djvu/780

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2062 INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [62 STAT. ACCORD REGARDING THE ELIMINATION OF THE ECO. NOMIC POTENTIAL SITUATED IN SPAIN CAPABLE OF CONSTITUTING A DANGER TO PEACE, AND THE LIQUI- DATION OF BALANCES AND PAYMENTS CLAIMS BETWEEN THE GOVERNMENTS OF SPAIN AND GERMANY Principlesof Accord. Pocpppe. Ac20r77, Whereas, in due course the Governments of the United States of 2. America, of France, and of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland approached the Spanish Government, making known their wish that the latter adhere to Resolution VI of Bretton Woods, [1] to the end of eliminating in Spanish territory the economic potential capable of constituting a danger to peace; Whereas, the mutual desire of carrying out this common objective has been expressed in various Notes exchanged between the Spanish and the Allied Governments, especially those of October 28, 1946, [2] by which it was acknowledged that, as a consequence of the Act of 59 tat. 1857. Surrender of Germany of May 7, 1945, and the Declaration of 60 Stat.1649. Berlin of the Allied Control Council dated June 5, 1945, the powers and authority of the Government of the German Reich had been as- sumed by a Representation of the Allied Governments, represented in Spain, for the purposes of this Accord, by the Governments of the United States of America, of France, and of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland; and Whereas, it is deemed convenient that the balances arising through trade and payments between the Governments of Spain and Germany, as well as certain claims pending between both States, be liquidated; Now, therefore, the undersigned, duly appointed for the purpose of these negotiations, have entered into the following Accord, which Pod, p .2113 . will come into force through an exchange of Notes for that purpose. ARTICLE I Erxpropratyon of Property situated in Spain, her Protectorates or Possessions (here- "Spain." inafter referred to as "Spain"), belonging to persons of German nationality falling within the conditions defined in this Accord, shall be expropriated for reasons of national security under the conditions stipulated in legal dispositions which the Government of Spain may issue for that purpose. ARTICLE II "Property." For the purposes of this Accord, the term "property" refers to property or assets of every description as well as to the rights and I United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference, Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, July I to July St, 1944, Final Act and Related Documents. Depart- ment of State publication 2187, p. 22. ' Not printed.