Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 3.djvu/1130

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62 STAT.] LUXEMBOURG-ECONOMIC COOPERATION- V 227, 1948 "Article XII 1 ...... 2. If, during the life of this Agreement, either Government should consider there has been a fundamental change in the basic assumptions underlying this Agreement, it shall so notify the other Government in writing and the two Governments will thereupon consult with a view to agreeing upon the amendment, modification or termination of this Agreement. If, after three months from such notification the two Governments have not agreed upon the action to be taken in the circumstances, either Government may give notice in writing to the other of intention to terminate this Agreement. Then, subject to the provisions of paragr. 3 of this Article, this Agreement shall terminate either: (a) Six months after the date of such notice of intention to terminate, or (b) After such shorter period as may be agreed to be sufficient to ensure that the obligations of the Government of Luxembourg are performed in respect of any assistance which may continue to be furnished by the Government of the United States of America after the date of such notice; provided, however, that Article V and paragraph 3 of Article VII shall remain in effect until two years after the date of such notice of intention to terminate, but not later than June 30, I953." 3751 62 Stat., Pt. 2, p. 2472. 62 Stat. , Pt. 2, pp. 2462 ,2465 . 1...... 2. Si, pendant la dur6e de l'Accord, l'un des Gouvernements considAre qu'il y a eu un changement fondamental dans les circonstances se trouvant a l'origine de cet Accord, il le notifiera par ecrit A.l'autre Gouvernemcnt. Les deux Gouvernements se consulteront alors en vue de convenir de la modification, de la transformation et de la terminaison de l'Accord. Si, apres un d6lai de trois mois A dater de cette notification, les deux Gouvernements n'ont pas convenu de 1'action A prendre dans ces circonstances, chaque Gouvernement pourra notifier par 6crit a l'autre son intention de mettre fin . l'Accord. Dans ce cas, sous r6serve des dispositions du paragraphe 3 du present Article, cet Accord prendra fin: (a) Six mois apres la notification de l'intention d'y mettre fin, ou (b) Apres telle periode plus courte A convenir, suffisante n6anmoins pour assurer que les obligations du Gouvernement du Luxem- bourg sont executees a l'egard de toute aide que le Gouvernement am6ricain pourrait continuer Alui apporter apres la date de cette notification; etant entendu toutefois que 1'Article V et le paragraphe 3 de l'Article VII resteront en vigueur deux ans apres la date de la