Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 3.djvu/1159

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [62 STAT. December 10. 948 Agreement between the United States of America and Korea respecting IT. A. S.108] economic cooperation under Public Law 793, 80th Congress. Signed at Seoul December 10, 1948; entered into force December 14, 1948. AwE'=U 0N AID E :BTWS T ITED STATES O AMRIC AE THE BPWUELICOF KOREA !he Oovernment of the Republic of Korea having requested the Government of the United States of America for financial, meterial and technical assistance to avert eco- nomic crisis, promote national re- covery, and insure domestic tran- quility in the Republic of Korea, and The Congress of the United States of America, in the Act ap- proved June 28, 1948, (Public Law 793, ROth Congress), having author- ized the President of the United States of America to furnish as- sistnnce to the people of tho Re- public of Korea, and The Government of the United States of America and the Govorn- ment of the Republic of Korea, be- lieving that the furnithing of such assistance, on terms consonant with the independence and security of the Government of the Republic of Korea, will help to achieve the basic objective* of the Charter of the United Iations and the United iations General Assembly Resolutione 0id-lit 4A-^-i F 3 t- A AvX A.),Ap ^A- Ats a m D., e$i g7A .atFi- ' -Q V{a o-J g -)i& -o)X+ ( 4[ )HiA 4VF o i · A »* ^,1

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e ^1 . , p 4 - ),?- 3780 62 Stat., Pt. 1, p. 1054. 9 Stat. 1031.