Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 3.djvu/1255

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3876 61 Stat. , Pt. 3, p. 3M4. INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [62 STAT. I have also been recently informed that the present training unit of the United States Navy consisting of eight officers and twenty- eight enlisted men who are assisting the present Off-Shore Patrol Training Center at Cavite in the training of the personnel of the Philippine Off-Shore Patrol will be disbanded on or before January 1, 1948 due to lack of statutory funds for their maintenance. The United States Naval Training Unit has been rendering invaluable services to the Off-Shore Patrol Training Staff and its withdrawal will seriously interrupt the training program of the Off-Shore Patrol which is just starting and growing. I wish to recall in this connection that Article 6 (d) of the Military Assistance Agreement provides for making available selected facilities of United States Army and Navy Training establishments to provide training for key personnel of the Philippine armed forces and in order to comply with the spirit and purpose of the said agreement between our two Governments, I have the honor to suggest that the present United States Naval Training Unit be either retained or ab- sorbed by the United States Military Advsory Group. Accept, Excellency, the renewed assurances of my highest con- sideration. His Excellency EMMET O'NEAL American Ambassador United States Embassy Manila ELPIDIO QUIRINO. The American Charge d'Affaires ad interim to the Philippine Secretary of ForeignAffairs EMBASSY OF TIE UNITED STATES OF AMERIC. Afn-i f n10 61 Stat. , Pt. 3, p. 3284. 60 Stat. 315 . 50 U.S. C. app. 1 1861-1866. Philippine Govern- ment exceptions to Charter. EXCELLENCY: -- u y V i,4io I have the honor to advert to Your Excellency's note of December 9, 1947 referring to the Ambassador's note No. 0039, September 26, 1947 in regard to a proposed agreement by exchange of notes which would cover the transfer of title, notwithstanding the provisions of Article V of the Military Assistance Agreement of March 21, 1947, to certain naval vessels which would be made available under charter to the Philippine Government by the United States Navy in accord- ance with the terms of the latter Agreement. The second paragraph of Your Excellency's note states, referring to the form of "Naval Charter for Lease of Vessels under United States Public Law 454, 79th Congress" as an "Agreement": "After a study of the proposed agreement, I am happy to in- form you that the draft is satisfactory to the Philippine Govern- ment with the exception of the following observations: "(a) That the lists of vessels referred to in the first para- graph of the note which will be annexed to the agreement shall No. 1.1.5