Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 3.djvu/1263

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3884 Communication fa- cilities available to U.S. Payment by U.S . Credit for reduc- tions and readjust- ments. INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [62 STAT. 6. I should therefore be glad if you would inform me whether your Government is agreeable to these arrangements. Your favourable reply to this note will be considered as constituting an inter-govern- mental agreement with respect to the facilities outlined in Annex I of this note. Accept, Sir, the renewed assurances of my highest consideration. H H WRONG The Honourable GEORGE C. MARSHALL, Secretary of State, Washington, D. C . [Enclosure] ANNEX I ARTICLE 1 The Government of Canada agrees to make available to the Govern- ment of the United States of America the following communication facilities over the telephone and telegraph lines, owned by the Gov- ernment of Canada, and located along the Alaska Highway in Canada, between Edmonton, Alberta, and the border of the territory of Alaska and Canada:- A. for voice frequency only, (a) Two channels, Edmonton to the said border (b) Two channels, Whitehorse to the said border (c) One channel, Whitehorse to Edmonton. B. for standard teletype frequency only (d) Two channels, Edmonton to the said border (e) Three channels, Whitehorse to said border. ARTICLE 2 The Government of the United States of America shall pay the Government of Canada for the use of the said communication facili- ties the sum of $271,000, in United States funds, for the year com- mencing April 1, 1947. Payments shall in future be made in equal monthly instalments but payment for the period from April 1st 1947 to February 29th 1948, shall be paid in one instalment forthwith upon the conclusion of this agreement. The Government of the United States of America agrees to pay for the use of such additional communication facilities as may be required by the said Government and as may otherwise be available for use, at such rates and charges as are adopted as standard in respect of the telephone and telegraph lines located along the Alaska Highway in Canada. The Government of Canada agrees to credit the Government of the United States of America for reductions and readjustments of facilities in accordance with the prevailing rates that are adopted