Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 3.djvu/1265

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [62 STAT. The Acting Secretary of State to the CanadianAmbassador DEPARTMENT OF STATE WASHINGTON Mar 31 1948 EXCELLENCY: Aut, p. 38 I have the honor to refer to your note No. 95, dated March 1 1948, concerning the future operation and maintenance of the war-built land-line communication system between Edmonton, Alberta, and Fairbanks, Alaska. Your note summarized the results of discussions held on this subject in the Permanent Joint Board on Defense and recommended that the lease of these facilities be arranged on a gov- Aie, p. 388 ernmental basis as outlined in Annex I enclosed with your note. Acceptance. I am pleased to inform you that the proposals set forth in your note No. 95 and in Annex I thereto are accepted by this Government. This Government also concurs in the proposal that your note and this reply shall be regarded as constituting the agreement arrived at be- tween the two Governments with respect to the facilities outlined in Annex I of your note. Accept, Excellency, the renewed assurances of my highest con- sideration. ROBERT A. LOVETT Acting Secretary His Excellency HUME WRONG, CanadianAmbassador. 3886