Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 3.djvu/1376

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. T. S~aT.1July 23, 1946 3997 62 STAT.] BELGIUM-MUTUAL AID SETTLEMENT- Jt 2946. 3997 `1pe. 24, 19¥6 understanding of my Government that the obligation of your Govern- ment, set forth in that paragraph, to transfer real property, or pro- vide Belgian francs for the acquisition of real property, and pay the expense of improvements in and furnishing of property, in Belgium, the Belgian Congo, and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, up to an aggregate value of $5,450,000 is subject to the limitation that the obligation of your Government shall not exceed $5,000,000 with re- spect to Belgium nor $200,000 with respect to the Belgian Congo nor $250,000 with respect to the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. It is further the understanding of my Government that paragraph 2C (2) of the Memorandum of Understanding is applicable to the provisions Ant', . 3986 . of paragraph 2A (1) as limited by the above understanding. I should appreciate it if you would inform me whether the fore- going is in accordance with the understanding of your Government. Sincerely yours, W. L. CLAYTON Acting Secretary of State His Excellency Baron ROBERT SILVERCRUYS, Ambassador of Belgium. The Belgian Ambassador to the Acting Secretary of State AMBASSADE DE BELGIQUE D.1121 . 8142 WASHINGTON, September £4th, 1946 MY DEAR MR. SECRETARY: In reply to your letter of today's date regarding the obligation of my Government under paragraph 2A(1) of the Memorandum of Understanding between our two Governments to be signed today, A n , p.898- I am happy to advise you that the understanding of my Govern- ment on the matters mentioned in your letter coincides with the understanding of your Government as set forth in your letter. Sincerely yours, The Belgian Ambassador SILVERCRBYU The Honorable WILLTAM L. CLAYTON, Acting Secretary of State, Washington, D. C.