Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 3.djvu/1454

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62 STAT.] ITALY-AIR SERVICE FACILITIES-JUNE 9, 1947 turnover be transferred to Milan in accordance with paragraph 4 be- low at the Italian Government's expense and Milan will receive all the benefits of the present agreement. As sole consideration for transfer of equipment, the Italian Gov- ernment, recognizing on the one hand the immediate necessity of insuring the safety of international air traffic in an adequate manner until regulations are established by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and applied by the said Government in execu- tion of its international undertakings, and, on the other hand, the special interests of United States aviation during the period in which American Armed Forces will participate in the occupation of ex- enemy countries, will undertake: 1. To operate and maintain without interruption all the installa- tions in a manner satisfactory for air traffic into and away from airdromes at which the facilities are located and along the inter- national air routes converging on those airdromes. 2. To provide the full service of all facilities to all aircraft on a non-discriminatory basis with charges, if any, only for non-opera- tional messages, until an international agreement on charges has been promulgated by IcAO. 3. To transmit weather reports in accordance with the international procedures in use at the time of the transfer of the facilities in a manner adequate to insure an integrated meteorological network for the international air routes unless changed by international agree- ment to which the Governments of the United States and Italy are parties. 4. Subject to the possibility of obtaining necessary spare parts, to continue the operation of all types of facilities in their present loca- tions or at new locations deemed preferable by the representatives of both Governments until (a) new facilities are installed in accordance with standards promulgated by ICAO or (b) it is determined by the Governments of Italy and the United States that there is no longer a need for the original facilities. It is understood that the aeronau- tical facilities will be devoted exclusively to aeronautical service and will not be diverted to the communication service. 5. To provide English-speaking operators at air-to-ground and con- trol tower communication positions until regulations covering voice transmissions are promulgated by ICAO; and further until such regu- lations are promulgated, to grant permission to a representative of the United States air carriers authorized to serve an airdrome to enter its control tower and, when in the opinion of the representative a case of necessity exists, subject to the authority of the commander of the airdrome, to talk to the pilot of any United States aircraft flying in the vicinity of the airdrome. 6. To utilize for air-ground and control tower communications the radio frequencies allotted for such purpose by ICAO on the basis of International Telecommunications regulations prescribing allocations of radio frequency bands. 4075 Consideration for transfer. Undertakings by Italian Government.